Raft village

The Raft village is the main settlement of the raft people, a makarid clan descendant from two lineages of The Thirteen.   Unknown to everyone else, the little community flourished in this little cluster of coral islands in the middle of the Svajan Sea for centuries, completely isolated and hidden from the outside world, until it was rediscovered by the crew of The Ferret around 20 years ago. While the limited land available is left mostly to forest with the only exception of a single refurbished draconic palace, the population lives on salvaged wood huts built on rafts and platforms mostly facing the internal lagoon between the islands' ring.   On the side that faces the open waters, several piers jut out, to which are anchored more rafts and all the fishing boats. These small single sail or oars propelled vessels, more often than not, double as additional living space both when they are anchored and when the owners are out to sea to fish and scavenge what's needed for their subsistance.   The only building of the settlement with its foundations on solid grounds is the left wing of a once more extended palace that was in ancient times the residence of a dragon. Its marble facade is barely visible among the wild vegetation of the island that now covers most of its exterior and surrounds it completely except for a narrow path that leads to its majestic entrance.   The interior, once filled with the owner's extensive collections of artwork, and still painted with murals and paved with mosaics, has been repurposed for the use of the community as storage area, medical centre and meeting hall. Here are held the religious celebrations in honour of the The Sea Dragon and here the children are taught about their draconic ancestry.   On the outside, two of the terraces still intact have been repurposed as small vegetables patches where the community farms a limited amount of crops that integrate their mainly fish and fruit based diet.

Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


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