Samuaxi islands Geographic Location in Hislariya | World Anvil

Samuaxi islands

WIP - Summer Camp quality. This will continue to be edited during July and likely after the prizes adjudication.
  In the middle of the svajan sea, south of the coasts of Kithanda and right in the middle between them and the coasts of XXX, lies an archipelago that is infamous for its wild nature and inhabitants.   The archipelagus comprises 683 islands of dimensions variable between 69 square km to a big enough patch of land to barely fit a small hut. Most of these islands boast lush forests and a varied and colourful wildlife, and a not less colourful sapient population.   The territory of these islands is characterized by ancient volcanic landscape that originally formed a single landmass that got subsequently eroded by the elements and whose lowland got invaded by the waters of the Svajan Sea, separating the islands with stretches of mostly shallow water and tidal sea channels.   This characteristic origin and the fact that some of the volcanic activity still produces hot water vents that create an almost constant foggy environment, makes the navigation between and through the archipelago very dangerous for all but very lightweight ships and experienced crews. Because of that, the islands have been claimed, during the centuries, by numerous dragons first, and by a variegated population of outlaws, refugees and other misfits.   While the single islands tend to be home to fairly omogeneous populations, usully creating a community around a common struggle or interest, and they all have very individual and specific cultures and flavour about them, there is the understanding in all the communities that inhabit the archipelagus, that the group of islands itself is a common resource that they all need to contribute to protect for the safety of all of them.   The climate of the islands is always hot and humid for the whole year, thanks to the warm volcanic mists that create a sort of local greenhouse effect around the archipelagus, except in days with strong winds that sometimes clear up the sky surrounding the area. This creates the ideal environment for the growth of several kind of plants that are unique to the area and obviously attract a unique fauna specialized in thriving on them. Many of these exotic products are considered a luxury item in the rest of Hislariya and command high prices in the continent's markets.

Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


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