Style Guide


  Hislariya is written in third person, not omniscent.   The perspective is usually that of an imaginary in world character who has a good knowledge of the subject discussed.   Extra attention should be put in reserching small details that pack a punch in showing the depth of the world or that have great emotional impact.  

Main body


Titles, headings and text

All titles are title case and should not start with an article (a, the).   The articles are written in longform but broken down in sections by flavour headings to whet the curiosity of the reader.   Headings are capitalized and all main sections in the article body are preceded by an H2 header. Section headers are sandwiched between two blank lines.   H3 and h4 are reserved for the sidebar or for subheadings. Subsections only have a single blank before them.   All text should be left aligned.  


Use of bold to emphasize the main concept of the article the first time it's mentioned (together with all its sinonyms).   Use bold for keywords and concept phrases in each section.   Use bold for words that are defined in the body of the article.   Italics are used for words in the in-world language, for title of books and artpieces.   Underline is used only to draw attention to actionable elements or to warnings.  


  Each section starts with an in world quote.   These should be mostly short snippets of dialogues or occasionally abstracts from short stories.   The smaller one sentence quotes are in first person and offer snippets of in character voices both from the main cast of characters and from unnamed generic characters perspectives, in order to familiarize and immerse the reader with the different voices of the world. These quotes are less informative about the object of the article and more mood setting.   The longer abstract quotes are used with the intention of teasing the short stories for potential new readers and in this case the article and the quote itself should have a direct link to the story, if published.   All quotes should have an author, even if anonymous.  


  The sidebar is used to link related articles, usually prefaced by a short introduction explaining the association between the current article and the linked one.   Other elements that might appear in the sidebars are illustrations, music and short snippets of prose or anecdotes related to the object of the article.  


  The in world concepts are linked to their respective article (with an abstract explaining briefly their meaning) or tooltipped.  


  Currently Hislariya's images have an exclusively decorative function or mood setting.   The colour scheme of the images is dark with golden, red, violet tones. All images need to be credited and linked to the artist.   The ultimate goal is to have a set of images unique to Hislariya with informative functions (either commissioned or drawn by me) and have them all alt texted.  


  Only link the first mentionof a linkable item in the article.  


  Footers can be used to link more relevant articles or relevant stories ("See this in") and for Footnotes references.   The Autfor notes can be used for references to the real world inspirations.  

How to fill the prompts

  Remember - Who-What-When-Why-Where-How if stuck.   Make use of all senses. Hislariya's focus is on sensorial perception so all articles should have plenty of reference and descriptions of all sensorial input a character might find interacting with the object of the article.   In particular be mindful of people with different sensorial acuity or ability of recollection and provide several mediums to access the articles (add sounds, songs and reading, add cooking recipes, describe textures and smells).   What can a character in your world:   -See: What does the thing look like? How does its look changes depending on the circumstances?   -Smell: How does the environment smell? Does the item or person have a particular smell about them that gives more informations about it?   -Taste: What is the predominant taste of this item? Is there a peculiar food served in this place? What's the character's favourite food?   -Hear: What is the sound of the background in the article? How does the character's voice sound? Does the item make a particular noise whan moved or manipulated?   -Touch: What's the texture of the element of the article? Are they cold or hot?   -Feel: What is the more general feel? Is the place hot, claustrophobic, windy? Does a body or object radiate warmth or electrostatic charges?   Think kink, think sexy: if there is a chance of making an article more allusive, use it.  

Secret sections

  The secret sections should be used for sexual/kinky NSFW details and off stage additional references/spoilers (the spoilers should still be under spoilers so the followers who prefer to discover these in world will have a chance to.)   Non sexual NSFW (violent content or discussions of potentially triggering topics) should be avoided whenever possible and if not, blurred and CW at the top in an aloud.   Ideally the CW should be under spoilers when these are sorted.  

Special style notes for categories

  Character articles should all have a portrait in the top of the sidebar   Geographical locations and Settlements articles should all have a mini map with the location pinned.   Buildings should have a floormap.   Species should have an illustration and a mini map of the area of prevalence.   Conditions should have symptoms lists and etioogy (or a list of potential causes) and therapy or outcome.   Documents should all have an abstract attached.  

Extra Notes

  Consider adding an author bio to the bottom of each article.   Every article should have a call to action in the comment section at least.  

Content Warnings

  Other than the obvious, remember to CW:
  • Tentacles
  • Deep see unknown scarousals
  • Bikes?
  • Creepy crawlies and snails
  • Feet
  • Fur suits?
  • Consider adding tags lists.

    Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


    Author's Notes

    Inspired by:

    Style Manual
    Generic article | Dec 1, 2022

    A reference of tone, writing style, and visual hierarchy in this world.

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Apr 14, 2023 17:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Oooo, I love that you have a style guide! That seems like a really useful thing to have. :D Hopefully it will help keep things nice and consistent for you!

    Apr 14, 2023 17:50 by Simo

    Thanks! Let's hope, I am not very good at following my own directions :P

    Apr 17, 2023 00:11 by Dani

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this is SUPER COOL.

    You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
    Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
    Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
    Apr 17, 2023 11:40 by Simo

    I need to link TJ's style guide because I got the idea from there and he of course did it more stilishly, I'm a mere trash panda and stole the shiny thing XD