The disappearance of the dragons

this article is still a WIP and will likely be completed after SC
  There was a time in Hislaria when humans and dragons coexhisted if not completely peacefully, at least in an equilibrium of powers that granted advantages to both species.   A few centuries ago that equilibrium got broken by the hunger for power of humans who increasingly seeked to rule over each other and gain more and more riches. Territories and resources were claimed by icreasingly large armies who pushed the more peaceful of dragons away from their nesting grounds leaving only the more aggressively competitive of them to often fight to death over boundaries that now missed the buffer of a meeker neighbour.   Still, when about 70 years ago, the humans started to realize that dragons were missing from the world, they failed to understand the reason for the occurrance. Several legends sprouted to explain the sudden disappearance.   Some people believe that they got decimated by a disease they contracted from mating with humans and makarids, a practice that was well known from antiquity but that some powers had all interest to stigmatize in order to justify their treatment of makarids. There is no evidence of this claim and medical research failed to identify such a disease, though many people consider the makaridism the proof of the existance of such a disease and that the affected might have laid with an infected dragon, never mind the fact that makaridism symptoms are usually present from birth.   In the same line, some people believe that the dragons refused to mate with other dragons and only sought human partners, thus failing to provide a pure breed dynasty. Though there is a part of truth in this in the sense that, because of their territorial and competitive nature, during the course of their life many dragons mate more often with human and humanoids than with other dragons, the number of dragons born relatively to their longevity has always been sufficient to maintain the population at a stable number.   Another theory is that dragons left Hislariya completely to "go back to their native star". This is claimed by those that consider the dragons a semi divine species who had been granted the power to control and supervise over humans. According to these people, the dragons grew displease by human's behaviour against them and their children and abandoned them to their destiny. This theory, while quite unrooted from reality, at least for most people means that they are not blaming the makarids for it, though some people try to manipulate this belief too by saying that the dragons would have taken the makarids with them if they were not displeased at them too.

Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


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