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Dathnor Home Guard

The Dathnor Home Guard is the PDF of Hive world Dathnor, protecting its many hive cites from descending into total chaos. The PDF has closer ties then most to the Imperial Guard as they have a significant armory and bastion on Dathnor. As such the PDF forces base their appearance and equipment off of the venerated Cadian regiments.   Given the close relationship between the Imperial Guard and the Dathnor Home Guard, the PDF is better trained and equipped then most, this training pays off as the Imperial Guard often recruit from the Home Guard to fill its ranks.


The Dathnor Home Guard wasn't always so close to the Imperial Guard. It wasn't more then 20 years ago that the Dathnor planetary governor was charged by the Imperial authority with high treason after it was discovered her was sell arms and ammunition to local pirates, who then would sell them to Chaos forces in the sector at large. These Chaos forces did untold damage for years in the sector until crushed and the treason discovered. The governor with his PDF largely made up of the hives gangs and pirates dug into Dathnor and its Capital hive (add name) and fought until the Imperial Guard finally ended the minor rebellion. The Imperial Guard established the new Dathnor Home Guard and put in place one of its own to be the new governor.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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