Astranamis the Scribe

To possess great power and wisdom and fail to exercise either for the good of the world is indolence of the highest order.   Astranamis S'vatthem (known historically as Astranamis the Scribe) was a snow elf born in Ostroalogoth in the pre-historic year of -76. As a young elf, his studies brought him under the tutelage of Aquilius X'nt, the first Historian, and it was the efforts of the great master and his disciples that the first library was erected at Oghma's Standing Stones.   Following his master's death in 33, Astranamis traveled the world over, spending the centuries of his life collecting lore from the peoples of the land, from as many walks of life as he was able to reach. With his coterie- the remaining disples of Aquilius- his collection of stories from the forgotten era, written through innumerable tomes detailing the early history of Hjolder has been preserved within the Haoushh's Library. From the oral storytelling traditions of Rorj, to the disjointed histories of Jezero, to the murky lore of the Ashlands, and even to the secretive traditions of the Land of Dragons, Astranamis dutifully recorded many compendiums, which serve as one of the cornerstones of ancient history alongside his master's own vaunted legacy.   Astranamis died in 210, his body never found. It is said that upon his demise, his soul went to Haoushh himself; a disciple to one great scholar in life; a devotee of the Eternal Librarian in death.