Saint Balthazar

Founder of House Balth . Saint Balthazar was the single most important figure in history, waging an immutable war against the dark gods that plagued the world and forcing the hands of the most sinister of the divine. Renowned for his leadership and charisma, he brought together all races on the planet under his banner and created kinship between all life. Saint Balthazar died in battle against Asmodeus, Supreme Master of the Nine Hells for the cause of trapping Asmodeus in hell permanently, ending The Great Strife of Asmodeus.
  His death incidentally created a feud between his greatest prodigy, Yeshim Allo and close friend Lord Grachiakh as the two never saw eye to eye and were only manageable under his leadership. Yeshim wanted to carry on his legacy and takeover the head of House Balth while keeping the other houses subordinate to his word. Lord Grachiakh found this idea appalling, stating all countries and peoples deserved the right to govern themselves. As there was no way to amicably solve this, the two dueled for the head of the house with the prodigy Yeshim winning.