The Fimi

Humanoid race
  Skin tone is similar to humans, but has a translucent metallic color due to their ability to digest precious metals. Skin tone reflects what metal they are able to digest. Their biology is reflected in their diet by their ability to conduct temperatures and electrical currents by touch. This is what made their technology beyond any human comprehension. Their unique biology is what also prevents their people from having a strong magical power and have remained resistant to the effects of magic. The only Fimi who can harness the power of magic are those who can properly digest the metal Electrum.
  Renowned for their inventions, the Fimi created marvels that are long lost to the world. The only way to operate their creations is to have the power to run an electrical current throughout your body. It was for this reason that their creations never managed to leave the country or propagate anywhere else. They also never learned how to create electricity or to store it, only being able to run currents through their conductive bodies.
  A short list of some of their creations: jetpacks, lights, motorized vehicles, Warforged and AC/Heating systems.