The Merriweather's

Older and younger sister Miranda and Anastasia Merriweather are human druids from Blackwell, Nyarhalothotep. In the year 1050, Y'xuthog, The Fathomless belayed a darkness around Blackwell and killed hundreds of innocents in the town proper and surrounding areas, among those were the Merriweather family. The two sisters and their younger brother, Heinrich, made it out of the town and into the woods before the old god could get ahold of them, and while fleeing they were captured by a witch. The witch turned Heinrich into a frog and made the sisters do slave work for her under threat of killing their brother. The sisters did so begrudgingly for around a year, all the while learning the witches secrets of forest magics and herbalism. Once their mastery of old magics was complete, the sisters overthrew the witch by luring her out of the house by shapeshifting, pretending to be a wild animal, while the other sister laid in wait also shapeshifted and the two mauled the witch to death and transformed their brother back. The sisters stayed in the witches hut for another few years, teaching their little brother the art of forest magics before the siblings eventually made their way back to Blackwell. Once returned they communed with Y'xuthog, The Fathomless and the three fought him with the help of Victor Le-Massapeaux. The battle was hard fought and ultimately a success, but not without the cost of dear brother Heinrich. It was this loss that caused the sisters to travel outside of Nyarhalothotep and seek a purpose after having their lives disheveled. Long after their encounter with Y'xuthog, The Fathomless, the sisters would come to save Arslan Shariz from a colossal sand-worm. It was here that Arslan would recognize the ferocious power of these two and hired them on the spot.