The Scions of Karkino

"From crab are we born, to crab we return."   The scions of Karkino are a group of fanatics that possess followings in many coastal cities the world over. Believed to be an order of renegade druids or, worse yet, a frantic cult formed by shipwreck survivors that claim to have seen a specter in the waters before they were rescued, the Scions of Karkino believe in the perfection in the form of a crustacean. All life inevitably is drawn to the form of sublime aquaticism, and they embrace their fate with open arms. Many find themselves working in the fishermans' trade (those who lead civilian lives, at least), while others have devoted themselves to bizarre sorceries. Those who have achieved some form of misguided mastery tend to transmogrify or mutilate their own bodies, developing exoskeletal extremities or fusing their hands and forearms into powerful claws. They are regarded with some degree of disgust, and the rest with pity, for their claim of the perfection of the crab is nearly-unfathomable to the layperson. If they possess any form of larger-term goal, it is utterly inscrutable from the outside. Their fervent belief in crab supremacy, however, would be terrible to behold if allowed to spread unchecked....