The Tolling of the Great Black Bell

When Oppidum came under attack from gnolls, they called on their benevolent protector Dave to help them. He recruited from the Disciple of Dave and selected Beardy and Wriley Wraccoon to investigate. Dave also called upon Daz Olensen to send him a soldier so that there would be a humanoid amongst the group. Daz sent him Theravan, a ranger from his ranks.
  The three investigated the town, and tracked the gnoll warband through the Tacasan Woods. When they came across the warband, they slayed them all, and convinced the surviving hyenas to reside with Dave. Within the leaders tent they found prisoners; two humans captured from Oppidum, and an elder gnoll, with pure silver fur. The gnoll introduced herself as the Orb Mother and said she was on her way to see Dave to discuss a new future for the gnolls.
  The party took her to see Dave, and after some deliberation she would explain her plan. She wanted to take a group to the Ruins of Shenzi, which was built when gnolls still worshiped The Great Hunter. There, they would ascend the central temple, place her orb into the clapper of the bell, and once rung, all gnolls would hear it and it would be a chance for them to break free from Yeenoghu's hold on them.
  The group proceeded with the plan, but upon trying to approach the temple the ground gave way, and they found themselves trapped within the temple needing to find their way out. The Orb Mother died during the collapse so it was upon the party to complete her task.
  After fighting their way through the temple, and Theravan contracting vampirism along the way, they did make it to the top of the temple with themselves and the orb intact. They placed the orb into the clapper and rang it, which sent a shockwave across the sky. It also sent the gnolls in the settlement below into a frenzy, causing them to attack each other in a fight to scale the temple and stop the noise. They were successfully fended off by the party, who took to shoving them from the summit off the edges and down the stairs to keep them away from the bell.
  After the hostile gnolls were dispatched, the spirit of the Orb Mother appeared to them and thanked them for completing the quest. The pups of the now dead tribe began to ascend the steps of the temple, and the Orb Mother took them in as her new pack, to raise them in the old way, to hunt only as much was needed, to use the entirety of the kill, and to give thanks to the spirit of the slain.
  This created a peace between the gnolls of the Ruins of Shenzi and all those who resided under Dave in the Tacasan Woods.