Tiamat the Betrayer, Queen of the Chromatic Kin

Pay homage to me and rejoice, for I shall usher in the supremacy of our kind!   Tiamat, known as the Betrayer amongst dragons and religious scholars alike, was the first-favored of Bahamut , the ten-headed Dragon God. Created in the likeness of Her Father, Tiamat bears five heads, each corresponding to the colors of the Chromatic dragonkind. She spawned many hatchlings, her prodigious creations swiftly populating the lands, dwelling in the mountains, forests, deserts, tundras, and seas; each preyed readily upon mortals and upon each other, and with their endless strife, the strongest among them were worthy of being named the Brood of Tiamat. What neither they nor Bahamut knew, however, was the depth of Tiamat's ambition.   With her powerful brood in tow, Tiamat waged war against Her Creator, her immensely strong wyrms pitched in battle against the other dragon flights. Many Chromatics remained loyal to their maker, but others, impressed by the strength of Tiamat and Her offspring, defected to serve what they perceived as the most powerful of their kind, turning upon their brothers in bloody betrayals. These battles, collectively called the War in the Skies by scholars and dragons, is said by some to be one of the cataclysmic events that shaped the modern world, splitting the lands into islands and raising mountains with the immensity of these clashes.   In the end, however, Tiamat was defeated, cast to the earth by Bahamut Himself, who suffered greatly at the claws of His favored daughter. Greater still, however, was his grief that his own blood would betray him so, and for Her perfidy, She was bound in adamant chains within the deepest caverns of the earth. There, it is said, she lives still, attended by the survivors of the Brood of Tiamat who find themselves similarly bound. She is not without worshippers, however, as dragons and paladins who cherish Strength above Justice, Power above Virtue, and Dominion over Order often pledge themselves to Her service. Whether She hears their prayers or not, these fanatics find themselves possessed of the immense power of the Chromatic Queen and wield it to see their cruel ambitions made real.