Zinnorn Lethalas

Zinnorn Lethalas was born in Chebeco, to very successful parents. His father was a Captain and owner of his own Shipping vessel. Zinn, when he came of age, took over his father's second ship, The west wind. He was still too young and arrogant to be a good captain, nor had the experience, or fortitude to lead any crew. After working for his father for 60 years, the west wind was attacked by pirates. After the attack, the entire crew was slaughtered, aside from Zinn, who was only spared because the Captain, Wiley, thought they could fetch a handsome ransom from the handsome, courageous elf. Zinn's family, unfortunately, gave up looking for him rather quickly. They refused to pay for a search party, nor spend the time themselves, having to "mitigate loss". Even when the pirates came forward with their demands, The stingy elves refused to pay.   The pirates were just going to murder Zinn, until he offered his services. He joined the crew, and slowly gained the respect of the seasoned pirate crew of the the ship, The Rising Tide, as a hard worker and a ruthless killer. He befriended a goblin named Nubbins, and when Captain Wiley fell in battle, Zinn convinced the crew to appoint Nubbins as Captain instead of him.   Captain Nubbins and Zinn, along with their crew, terrorized the high seas until Nubbins finally succumbed to old age. At the time of his death he was the oldest living goblin.   Zinn spent another few years on the Rising Tide, but after seeing all of his family fade away into the void of death, he returned home briefly, where he heard about the inquisition. He joined in an attempt to regain normalcy, maybe create new bonds, or at least kill a few dozen people.  
  • Played by Kenny
  • Children