Attributes & Action Ratings

Attributes & Attribute Values

There are three attributes in the game that the player characters use to resist bad consequences: Wits, Grit, and Willpower. These attributes are associated with actions a character may take during play. Where the actions define what a character can do, the attributes are how a character resists things being done to them.
Attributes don’t have a direct rating or score, that would be the Actions. But the attributes do have a value that’s used when a character resists something such as being hurt, shaking off a curse, and so on. Each attribute will have an effective value or rating between 0 and 5.
This value is equal to the number of dots in the first column under that attribute on the character sheet. Another way to look at it, is it’s the total number of actions under that attribute that has any ratings. So, the more well-rounded your character is with their actions, the better that attribute’s rating will become.


- Attributes & Attribute Values
- Actions
-- About the Actions
- Action Rolls
- Attributes and Their Related Actions

For example, if a character has the following under Wits:
  • Channel 1
  • Study 2
  • Track
  • Trade
  • Craft

  • This would mean they have a Wits of 2, because they have ratings in Channel and Study.


    There are 15 actions in the game that player characters can use to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  • Channel
  • Command
  • Consort
  • Craft
  • Maneuver
  • Perform
  • Pilot
  • Remedy
  • Skirmish
  • Study
  • Sway
  • Stealth
  • Track
  • Trade
  • Wreck
    Each action has a rating (from 0 to 5) that tells you how many dice to roll when you perform that action. Action ratings don’t just represent skill or training—you’re free to describe how your character performs that action based on the type of person they are. Maybe your character is good at Command because they have a scary stillness to them, while another character barks orders and intimidates people with their military bearing.
    You choose which action to perform to overcome an obstacle, by describing what your character does. Actions that are poorly suited to the situation may be less effective and may put the character in more danger, but they can still be attempted. Usually, when you perform an action, you’ll make an action roll to see how it turns out.
    See Action Roll for more details and an example.

    About the Actions

    When you Channel, you open your mind to magic and the Etherwave Arcana.
    You might: Summon a mystical force, Cast a powerful spell, sense magical energy, or communicate with supernatural entities.
    When you Command, you compel obedience of NPCs through force of personality or knowledge.
    You might: Give a rallying speech to boost morale, direct a ship’s crew, or intimidate a guard into letting you pass.
    When you Consort, you socialize with Friends, Contacts, or perhaps even an Enemy.
    You might: Gather information at a tavern or other social event, or negotiate a temporary alliance with a rival.
    When you Craft, you tinker with mechanisms, relics, or elixirs, altering how they work, or even inventing new ones.
    You might: Repair a damaged ship part, mix an alchemy potion, or invent a new type of weapon.
    When you Maneuver, you use subtle misdirection or lift, climb, run, or swim into or out of threats.
    You might: Sneak past guards, lift cargo, or climb aboard a ship unnoticed.
    When you Perform, you showcase your artistic skills to entertain a crowd, or put on a convincing act.
    You might: Distract a crowd while your crew robs them, or convincingly play the part of someone you're not.
    When you Pilot, you pilot a ship or other type of vehicle.
    You might: Navigate treacherous waters, or skillfully dock at a crowded port.
    When you Remedy, you look after the needs of another by lending aid and comfort, medical treatment, or research the cause of the calamity.
    You might: Treat an injured crewmate, analyze a broken device to jury rig a fix, or concoct a herbal remedy to counteract a poison.
    When you Skirmish, you engage in hand-to-hand, ranged, or other combat with the intent to harm or incapacitate your opponent.
    You might: Engage in a swordfight, wrestle, use a firearm, or disarm a dangerous enemy.
    When you Study, you scrutinize details and interpret evidence and clues.
    You might: Examine an old map to find a hidden treasure, study a mysterious artifact, or identify the weakness in an enemy’s plan.
    When you Sway, you influence a person or people with charm, logic, or guile.
    You might: Convince a merchant to give you a better deal, or talk your way out of a difficult situation.
    When you Stealth, you move quietly, prowling stealthily, often without being noticed, even in a crowd.
    You might: Sneak into an enemy’s hideout, or pickpocket a valuable item.
    When you Track, you carefully track a target, often a person, but could be a vehicle or a ship.
    You might: Follow someone through a crowded marketplace, or trace a ship's course through open water.
    When you Trade, you engage in bartering, haggling, or other commercial transactions and understanding a trade or market trend.
    You might: Negotiate the price of a rare artifact, or assess the value of stolen goods.
    When you Wreck, you use extreme or brutal force against an object.
    You might: Batter down a door with a hammer or explosives. You might shoot the lock off an old chest. You could try to overwhelm an opponent or ship in a fight (but really, Skirmish might be better… it at least will look more stylish!)

    Action Rolls

    You make an action roll when your character does something potentially dangerous or troublesome. The possible results of the action roll depend on your character’s position. There are three positions: controlled, risky, and desperate.
    If you are in a controlled position, the possible consequences are less serious. If you are in a desperate position, the consequences can be severe. If you are somewhere in between, it’s risky which is usually considered the “default” position for most actions.
    Now, if there is no danger or trouble, there is no need for an action roll. Instead, you might make a fortune roll or a downtime roll or the GM will simply say ‘yes’, and you accomplish your goal.

    Attributes and their related Actions

  • Channel
  • Study
  • Track
  • Trade
  • Craft
  • Grit
  • Maneuver
  • Pilot
  • Skirmish
  • Stealth
  • Wreck
  • Willpower
  • Command
  • Consort
  • Perform
  • Sway
  • Remedy

  • Cover image: Midnight Oil by CB Ash using Krita and MidJourney


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