
Precision experts with an eye for detail, striking from a distance or up close with unparalleled accuracy.
Don’t listen to the stories. This isn’t about weapons or even luck. It’s about patience. Breath held at the right moment, just before you take the shot, or the opportunity…
- H’ana Valorn, renegade and bounty hunter from Tomia Drevez
Aim and fire. Most anyone can learn to do that. Pistol, rifle, or bow, it doesn’t matter. Often they miss the mark as much as they hit. But then there are those few who never miss, even at long range. For them, almost anything is a deadly, ranged weapon in their hands.
They hold their own special place in legends. Those uncommon few with that remarkable ability to hit the mark with almost supernatural accuracy. For those gunslingers, it isn’t about just pulling the trigger. It’s about patience, calculation, and being aware of everything nearby from a gust of wind, bead of sweat, or the heart’s tempo. For a Sharpshooter, all of it plays into the symphony of a perfect shot. You are a Sharpshooter, one of those mysterious, and dangerous, individuals.
As a Sharpshooter, you gain xp when you address challenges with precision, accuracy, and a keen sense of observation.
You have the power to change the course of events with your keen skills at precision and observation. This could be a well-placed shot, or an opportunity taken at just the perfect moment. Your story is told with hushed whispers about the person who turned the tide of battle or captured an elusive bounty. Those stories are also a warning. Because anyone that corners or underestimates you is playing with fire and will get burned.

Sharpshooter Starting Actions

  • Skirmish 2
  • Stealth 1
  • Sharpshooter Starting Ability

  • Deadshot

    Starting Builds

    Instead of the typical Sharpshooter, feel free to use one of the following templates.  

    Bounty Hunter

    An expert in tracking and observation, you’re respected and feared in equal measure, from back alleys to taverns and beyond. You’re a mercenary with a touch of pirate and assassin when the job requires it, tracking down people or items for a price.
    Most believe you have no morals, but this isn’t true. You have a code, and underneath that rough exterior, perhaps a hidden heart of gold you sometimes wish you could ignore.


    If there is a dark heart of the world, you know it all too well, as it often is the mirror of your own. Often mistaken for Bounty Hunters, or Infiltrators, you're called on for work that requires discretion, stealth, and near perfect precision to exterminate a target when necessary.
    Like the Bounty Hunter, you’ve a personal code, only yours is darker. But you aren’t without honor. That honor to your code and allies is the stable rock you count on. Because you can do what they can’t, so you protect them from what lives in the shadows.
    Suggested Actions
  • Track 2
  • Command 1
  • Starting Ability
  • No Escape
  • Starting Gear
  • Customized mid-range weapon, such as a blunderbuss. How is it customized? Who customized it?
  • Handcuffs or manacles
  • Wanted posters and informants' notes

  • Suggested Actions
  • Maneuver 2
  • Stealth 1
  • Starting Ability
  • Shadow Hunter
  • Starting Gear
  • Customized short-range weapon, such as a crossbow or flintlock pistol. How is it customized? Who customized it?
  • Poison kit
  • Disguise kit


    The world has become a complicated and perilous place. Precision and power often decide victory or defeat. As a Gunner, you are not just a master of wielding heavy artillery but in repairing, or modifying, firearm of all kinds. With your keen eye and steady hand, you command those giants of warfare. Either unleashing destruction or choosing to disable instead of destroy. A single choice that can turn the tide of any conflict.
    Suggested Actions
  • Wreck 2
  • Craft 1
  • Starting Ability
  • Weaponsmith
  • Starting Gear
  • Foul-Cannon
  • Ammunition Bandoleer Do you only carry ammunition in it, or something else?
  • Weaponsmith Kit
  • Alternative Names
    • Rifleman
    • Marksman
    • Sniper
    • Gun Bunny (derogatory)
    • Shot Rat (derogatory)
    • Powder Monkey (derogatory)


    Profession Questions

  • Do you have a personal Code of Honor as a Sharpshooter? What are they? Have you ever broken them or turned on your employer because of them?
  • What was your most difficult and challenging shot? What was it? Did you make it?
  • In all the Warrants, or jobs, you’ve worked, which one was the most challenging? What made it such a challenge to you and how did that affect you?
  • What was the most interesting weapon you’ve used? Did you invent it?


    Friends and Rivals

    Here are some suggestions for trusted friends and bitter rivals.  


    Lena "Eagle-Eye" Vandrake
    An infamous Sharpshooter with almost supernatural skills. She took you in years ago as your mentor and taught you the tricks of the trade.
    Bram Haft
    A long-time friend and former Gunner who now customizes weapons for a price. For you? He’ll do that for free, sometimes. Often it’s just a discount.
    Aria “Silkblade” Solane
    She claims to be a Diplomat or a spy, but you’ve long suspected she’s an Assassin. But she’s always willing to help and give you crucial information you’ve needed for the task at hand.
    Hugo Durand
    He’s a bodyguard you’ve worked with many times before. Hugo is a morasu soldier from Tomia Harogara. He’s quiet, stern, but dependable. He’s watched your back many times to keep you safe while you line up a delicate shot.


    Dax Verin
    Dax is a long-time rival. You beat him once in sharpshooting and he’s never let it go. He’ll do almost anything to embarrass or discredit you, just to prove he’s better.
    Captain Elara “Stormfist” Astley
    A notorious member of the grimling Emberlair Sept who escaped your sights once. She’s held a bloody grudge against you ever since.
    Silas "Quickfinger" Kree
    Silas is an infamous thief who’s dodged your sights more than once. At first, it was a heated rivalry, but he’s become something more like a friendly adversary.
    Lilith “Blue Viper” Seran
    An assassin you’ve crossed paths with more than once. You’ve quarreled over the same target, with her coming out the losing end. She holds this against you and is looking for some payback.


    Sharpshooter Special Abilities

    No matter how a situation can change, you’re ready. You’ve a talent and skill for modifying your weapons on the fly, adapting to different situations. For one scene, you can modify your weapon to either shoot farther, quieter, or harder at a target.   But, if you critically fail, the modifications have caused serious damage to your weapon. Once damaged, your weapon is useless until it’s repaired during your downtime.
    Calm in the Storm
    In a crisis, you’re the rock everyone depends on. The calm of any storm, both real and emotional. Emergencies or Nature’s primal elements have little effect on your aim. Once per scene, you can reduce your Stress by 2 when trying to aim and fire at a target.
    You’re a crack shot, with uncanny accuracy and motion. When you push yourself for a ranged attack, you can either make the shot with extreme precision or extreme speed, such as with a fast draw with a pistol.
    Friends in Low Places
    A Sharpshooter’s path takes them down dark alleys and into strange places. You walk that path with your eyes open, relying on information from a web of associates in high and low places.
    Once per scene, you can contact an associate about a target you’re hunting or a place you’re heading. You could ask about any rumors or details about your target or dangers in the place you’re headed. Also, you could ask for some help in the form of rare maps or specialized equipment.
    For every request, your associate will ask a favor in return. This favor will be equivalent to the help you asked for. The nature of the favor is up to GM discretion but is expected to be dealt with in an upcoming scene or through downtime. If you fail to return the favor, it costs stress of 2 Stress for every session that the favor isn’t repaid.
    Also, your associate will refuse to help you in the future until that stress is resolved by repaying the favor. If this is done during downtime, you may not work on anything else but repairing that alliance.
    Heavy Artillery Specialist
    Rifles, crossbows, and similar are fine enough to get the work done in your opinion. But to you, if you really want to be sure, you always choose your favorite. The humble cannon.
    When you operate a cannon, foul-cannon, or other heavy weaponry, you can select a +1 effect for either range or explosive power for one scene. These effects cannot be stacked. Once this has been used for a scene, it cannot be used again until another scene.
    No Escape
    It’s been said you could track a snake across a dry, flat rock. Those stories aren’t far from the truth. Anyone you’re tracking has a hard time shaking you from their trail. When you track living targets, you gain a +1d when pursing them.
    One Shot, One Kill
    Your powers of observation and precision rarely fail you. Even at a range, you can pick out the flaws in anyone’s armor. When you have a critical success with a ranged attack, it’s more deadly than usual, granting a +1 effect. But, on a critical failure, you take 1 stress.
    Rapid Reload
    Anyone can learn to reload a flintlock, crossbow or other weapon. But there’s an art to reloading and firing in a single, swift motion. One you’ve mastered through countless hours of practice.
    If you have to reload your firearm, you suffer no consequences while trying to Wreck or Skirmish with a target in a hurry. If you spend 1 Stress, you can reload and fire at two targets with almost supernatural speed.
    Shadow Hunter
    You move like a ghost, attacking your prey from the shadows, difficult to detect. When you attack from shadows or from hiding with a bladed weapon, your skill gives you the initiative in that situation.
    You’ve made it your business to know every detail about flintlocks, cannons, crossbows, and similar weapons. At the start, you have memorized the blueprints for one ranged weapon.
    During a scene, you can quickly modify a ranged weapon to either give it +1 effect for range or +1d for when the shot hits a target. These modifications cannot be “saved up” as the first +1d a weapon grants must be used before another one is added.
    But, during downtime when you invent a new weapon or Craft modifications to an existing one, you get +1 result level to your roll ( a 1-3 becomes a 4/5, and so on ).
    Way of Shadowed Thought
    Precise and pinpoint strikes to key nerve clusters lie at the heart of this art. One that’s taken you countless months and years to learn. Deadly attacks launched from the dark cover of shadow or complete surprise. The dark knowledge and power of this mysterious and lethal martial art is at your disposal. But, while powerful, this martial art’s strength is attacking while unseen, or when the target is unprepared.
    This lets you use Stealth to attack from a shadow or by surprise, with a +1 effect to disable or take out an opponent in one hit. Also, if you spend 1 stress, you are able to do this without making a sound or alerting anyone nearby.

    Typical Sharpshooter Items

    A typical list of suggested items to choose from that a Sharpshooter might have on them.  


    A short-barreled rifle that fires a wide burst of shot and is deadly at close range. (2 load)
    Concealed Blade
    This small, palm-sized, compact blade can fold into its handle for concealment. It’s often disguised as part of another object, such as the top of a cane, a belt buckle, or part of a lady’s fan. (0 load)
    Clockwork Crossbow
    A full sized crossbow that is silent and powerful enough to punch through most any light armor or thick coats. It’s deadly in its own right, but even more when bolts are coated with a toxin or modified. Even though powerful, it’s slow to reload as you have to turn a crank to load the next bolt from the four bolt compartment on the bottom of the crossbow. (2 load)
    Compact Crossbow
    This small, folding, hand-sized crossbow is designed for quick deployment. While it doesn't have the range or power of a full-sized crossbow, it's perfect for tight spaces and surprise attacks, especially if coated with a toxin. (1 load)
    A short blade, ideal for close combat or as a tool. (0 load)
    Fine Balanced Throwing Darts
    This set of five iron throwing darts, each the length of a sharpened pencil, looks like dark bone fingers of death metal. Silent and balanced perfectly for throwing, they are the result of master blacksmith. These weapons are of exceptional quality and lightweight, providing a +1 effect to being used when thrown. But, while they come to a sharp point, they are no replacement for a good dagger or pistol by your side.
    Who made them for you? Did the weaponsmith customize them for you? If they did, how were they customized? (1 load)
    Fine Composite Bow
    This is a dark wood, recurved shortbow tipped with horn. Powerful and near silent, its range can rival the power of the famous longbow. Not as powerful to use against a target as a rifle or a pistol, it can be invaluable for a silent shot.
    Who made it? How is it different from a normal bow? Does it have special properties or materials that make it unique? Are you known for using it? (1 load)
    Fine Pistol
    A two shot, flintlock handgun, made for accuracy.
    Who made them? How are they different from the usual pistol? (1 load)
    This marvel of deadly clockwork devices is an explosive favorite of any Gunner. It’s a small, breech-loading, double-barreled cannon that folds away into a backpack. When needed, a pull chain allows the wearer to cause the arm-length cannon to unfold, then extend, to brace itself on the wearer’s shoulder of choice.
    Both barrels could be fired together or independently using the small levers at the base of the weapon. Most ammunition for this terrifying device is over-sized musket balls. But some Gunners prefer to create custom ammunition with special effects.
    A shot from a Foul-Cannon can shatter most doors, walls, or windows it’s aimed at. But it also causes 1 stress to the wearer.
    This isn’t something found in just any weapon’s shop. Where did you get it? From the last trading company you worked for? Some other employer? Did you find the plans and make it yourself? Perhaps you stole those plans? (2 load)
    Long Rifle
    This long-barreled rifle is a precision tool for hitting distant targets even out of range of the strongest war bow. It is single shot and is muzzle loaded like flintlock pistols. Unlike pistols, the long rifle contains a refillable pouch, pan and clockwork turn crank that has to be turned to prime the rifle before it’s fired. (1 load)


    Ammo Pouch
    This is a sturdy leather and canvas pouch you carry your spare ammunition and powder in. You had it treated some time ago to keep water out and your powder dry. Stained and weatherbeaten, it’s been with you through thick and thin. (0 load)
    Ammunition Bandoleer
    Some like to use a pouch, but you prefer your powder patches and musketballs in quick reach. This is a pocketed belt made of tooled dark leather. Each small pocket holds a small pouch of powder and a musketball. Often worn slung sash-style over the shoulder and chest, some wear it around their waist. (0 load)
    Also called a prybar or a wrecking bar. This is a heavy, solid wrought iron bar with one end that is slightly curved and forked. Useful to help you pry open containers, or dislodge stubborn opponents from your path. (1 load)
    Disguise Kit
    A small, portable locked case that is essential for assuming different identities. Often it is made from a plain leather or wood. (1 load)
    Field Glass
    Similar to a spyglass, this is a small collapsible metal tube with lenses that is useful for sighting the distance to a target. (0 load)
    Grappling Hook
    Commonly a two or three prong hook attached to a length of rope. Essential for boarding ships or climbing. (1 load)
    Poison kit
    This small wooden, often locked, case contains a wide array of herbs, minerals, insect venom and more. Along with those lethal ingredients you keep a small collection of cleaning clothes, glass vials, mortar and pestle so you can brew your dire mixtures. You often keep enough ingredients in your kit to mix five poisons that could make a victim sick or kill them in a brutal manner. (1 load)
    Shooting Bag
    This small stained canvas bag contains tools for maintenance and repair of rifles and pistols. Some of the tools it contains are a patch knife, screwdriver, bits of cotton cloth and more. (0 load)
    Water bottle
    A small leather bottle you keep on hand for carrying water or other beverage of choice. (0 load)
    Weaponsmith Kit
    Sometimes a small wooden case, this is often a canvas and leather bag that contains metal files, screwdrivers, small chisels, hand drills and bits, along with other tools needed to modify or repair firearms. If you had the right raw materials, it wouldn’t be unheard of using this kit to help you make a new, experiential weapon. These kits are an essential part of any Gunner’s possessions. (1 load)


    Belt sash with hidden compartment
    This belt sash is made of wool, cotton, or linen and comes in a wide variety of colors. It also contains two durable, hidden pouches or compartments.
    These compartments are just large enough to hold a few coins, a map folded away for later, or a concealed blade. They also cannot be found easily if you’re searched. Someone would have to know where to look. (0 load)
    Boots with a hidden compartment
    These are a stout pair of knee-high, dark brown leather boots with a small hidden compartment near the top. Small and well-hidden, it’s the perfect spot to conceal a few coins, or even a concealed blade, from curious eyes. The compartment is hard to find, unless someone knows where to look. (1 load)

    Attire (cont)

    Camouflage Cloak
    This marvel of thayan Sunweaver design is a weave of natural colors in a tartan or plaid pattern of browns, grays, and greens. Many claim it’s enchanted, but either way, the pattern and the colors help you blend into your surroundings.
    To anyone looking on, you appear to melt into the background, making you invisible. But this amazing cloak works best in shadows or dim light. In broad daylight, you stand out. (1 load)
    Padded Vest
    This stylish padded vest, or waistcoat, is made of canvas and trimmed with leather with brass, polished wood, or bone buttons. Durable and reliable, it protects against the weather, knives, and can help protect against most flintlock pistol shot at medium to long range. At close range, or if you’re shot by a rifle, the vest isn’t much help. It comes in all manner of colors such as red, blue, gray and so on. (0 load)
    Durable leather gloves
    A pair of well-oiled and weathered leather gloves. These give your hands excellent protection against the elements and against friction or recoil when firing a long rifle. In addition, they have helped with your grip in situations like bad weather when you otherwise might have dropped your rifle. (0 load)

    Personal Items

    Lucky musketball
    This is a musketball you never shoot or use, but you carry it with you for luck wherever you go.
    Why is it lucky? Is there something special about it? A type of material it’s made from? Was it a musketball that you were shot with but you survived? Did it almost hit you? Was it from a friend? Or a rival? (0 load)
    Miniature portrait of a loved one
    This is a small, hand-sized painting of a loved one. Someone dear and important to you.
    Who is this person? How are they important to you? Are they a family member? A rival? Someone you lost to tragedy? (0 load)
    Fine pocketwatch
    This is a precision timepiece made of brass, tin, or silver. It has a cover that can be opened by pressing the winding stem knob on top. The chain attaches to one of your belt loops or to a button on your vest. You keep it in fine running shape and try never to part with it.
    Who made it? Did you inherit it? Steal it? Is someone looking for it? Is there anything special about it, like decorative or mysterious engravings on the case? (0 load)
    Personal journal
    You’ve carried this black leather-bound journal for years, recording your thoughts and detailing important information you’ve come across. For some, this also includes important contacts, and even a target list.
    What do you use this journal for? Do you keep any list of your contacts there? Where you get your supplies? Do you have a target list of names? Are any crossed off? (0 load)

    Cover image: Midnight Oil by CB Ash using Krita and MidJourney


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