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Balia, The Goddess of Defense

The Sturdy God, the Stalwart, the Wall. Those who protect, fortify, and live through danger pray to her. Those who receive her blessings find themselves through any situation.

Tenets of Faith

  • Build to last the day, fortify to last the week, and defend to last the month.
  • Protect those who can't protect themselves, and you in turn will be protected.
  • The most solid defense repels attacks from both outside and in.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Balia was always the biggest and sturdiest of her siblings. As such, she was an easy target for them and all of their fighting. Because she got involved in more sibling brawls than the rest, she prioritized keeping herself healthy and fit for the very next one.   Over the years, Balia became such a sturdy and solid fighter that there weren't many attacks that could penetrate her defense. In fact, her learning and practicing made it so that those who weren't careful would get hurt in the attempt to attack her. Whether it be through a bad angle of approach, not enough force, physical obtrusions, or other means, she made attacking her a bad idea.   After building herself and her armor into the best version of itself, she then moved onto buildings and structures. Just like herself, these constructs became nearly impregnable. From then on, she became the favorite deity of those in trouble, seeking asylum, or greater defense against their foes.


Family Ties

  • Daughter of Tora
  • Sibling of The Three and the Pact of the Six
  • Mother of Maror
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization

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