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Church of Tora

The progenitor, the forerunners, the ancestor. The oldest of the religions in Holdria. While they recognize the other gods, they only heed The Mother, and, in certain sects, The Daughter as well.

Mythology & Lore

The beginning of the universe. All of the building blocks that created what we know today. That is what started it all, and there was only one behind it. Tora, The Mother, existed before all else and knew of a time and place before time and places existed. With one powerful thought, who am I, The Mother created time, space, matter, and most of everything in between. After some time, she created every material imaginable, and then the rest of the gods who emulated what she had done.   For she was the first does she deserve praise. For her labor and the birth of all does she require worship.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith are as follows:
  • One must simply create, and create whenever they can.
  • Once you can create simply, you must create beautifully and create beautifully often.
  • Once you can create beautifully, you must create divinely and create divinely at every moment.


There are multiple sects of the Church of Tora, such as the Restless and the Study. The largest sect, after the main sect, are the Grieving.   The grieving, unlike many other sects, put their focus of worship onto The Daughter over The Mother. They believe, as The Daughter, Tora expressed her deepest and sincerest connection and love to human, and other, kind. Within the life of The Daughter, her works, and actions are all looked and revered as the purest form of love for another. Thus the murder of Tora, The Daughter, is seen as the ultimate tragedy and loss of the world. Such is the Grieving who worship and model their lives after The Daughter who worked and gave from herself without hesitation.

We Must Pay Resects to The Mother

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members

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