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The lava and stone people begotten of the god Din. They believe themselves the true keepers of the natural order of the world.

Basic Information


They are big creatures composed mostly of stone, lava, and a small amount of precious gems. They usually have a top half that is loosely inspired by human anatomy in its most basic shapes, and a bottom half that is nothing more than an amorphous glob closely resembling the shape of a slug.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Zorfec do not reproduce in the fashion most familiar to animals, but rather the sprout from where the line between magma and lava is blurred. These creatures spawn and have very little mass to start with, but usually feed on the precious stones that can be found at that level.

Growth Rate & Stages

Zorfec learn and mature at the same rate that humans do, but their life spans of exponentially longer. Zorfec are still considered to be within their infancy/toddler years for the first century or so even though they can think critically, act independently, and make moral decisions from around the same time that humans can and for many lifetimes longer.

Ecology and Habitats

The Zorfec are most at home near their spawning grounds where there is plenty of heat, lava, magma, and all kinds of igneous and metamorphic rock. Even though they have a home habitat they can venture as far from home as they like without much trouble if they are prepared.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Zorfec subsist entirely upon gems and precious stones. Merchants, nobles, and miners are not particularly fond of Zorfec as they accidentally find them in the mines that make their wealth grow.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Zorfec do not hear, see, or feel in the same manner that normal people do, but rather they are so in tune to the natural magics that bind existence together they can experience the mechanisms by which it expresses itself. Sound, sight, and tactile sensations are both dulled and heightened to achieve an effect where nothing is too small to detect, but nothing is of a magnitude that can be overwhelming.

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