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A timeline about the history of Aviagard, the focus of the story.

  • Birth of Aviagard
    The Avirian clan claims a home territory

    The Avirian clan of people, who had previously been nomads, decide to claim a valley as their home.

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  • 793


    The Avirians create a walled city
    Era beginning/end

    The city that was born in the valley the Avirian people claimed has become a well sized city with walls guarding its residents.

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  • 849

    The city state of Aviria is born
    Era beginning/end

    After many years of building the walled city and claiming territory directly surrounding the city they have made themselves a formidable force in the region.

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  • 984

    17 August

    The Veran Conquest
    Military action

    While Aviria was one of the targets of conquest for the city of Vera, they weren't the only ones. The City of Vera went on a long and violent conquest of the land around them.

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  • 984

    20 August

    The Avirian clan goes into hiding
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After having their city sacked and run over, the head of the Avirian clan was claimed as a casualty of combat. The rest of the surviving members of the clan disguised themselves, and went into hiding to live their lives in secrecy amongst the Verans until the time to reappear was right.

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  • 1026

    The Gods leave Holdria
    Religious event

    All the gods that had created and formed the world as it was known then have left. Where they went towards they did not say. All they left behind them were their adult children to rule as they did.

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  • 1060

    The Gorund army is created
    Construction beginning/end

    After forcibly taking a dwarven mountain range, Gorund starts work on creating a fighting force specifically meant to take down Equinox when he returns. The purpose of this standing military is kept secret except to a select few in the organization.

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  • 1085

    The Avirian clan surfaces
    Political event

    Shortly after a hundred years of living in the shadows the Avirian clan surface again as the head of the greatest sphere of influence in the region. Having taken the City of Vera and Aviria through sheer political and bureaucratic prowess, the Avirian clan now rule the region.

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  • 1105

    Vera's Territories are renamed to Aviagard
    Political event

    The head of the Avirian clan now publicly lays claim to the lands he controls by naming his fledgling kingdom after his clan.

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  • 1115

    Aviagard buys Gorund's Army's services
    Diplomatic action

    After many years of having the Veran Militia as their prime military force, they employed some of Gorund's Army as extra muscle.

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