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Baron of Ostia

A Baron or Baroness of Ostia is appointed to families that are often related to the Crown and show exceptional service to the crown; this honor often persists until the extinction of the Barony Family. In the Second Era the title succession is often hereditary, though the primary function is by house/family. The barons are tasked with overseeing large fiefs, including land cultivation, taxes and tariffs, and petty legal proceedings.


They must be of the appointed Barony House/Family and a child of the current Baron or Baroness. Along with this they must show promise and dedication through action and studies, often completing a rigorous educational program through court-appointed tutelage. The first qualifying person is the first-born of the Baron or Baroness, and will follow a hereditary process of elimination.


Often an inherited role that must be formally recognized by the ruling Monarch in a Pledge to the Crown.


To represent the will of Their Majesty, maintain morale and ideals of Ostia, provide aid to those within their fief.


Maintaining ready retinue and militia for service to the crown. Maintaining land and related tax and tariff for the kingdom's economy. Acting as a form of judicial governance for the appointed fief/territory and upholding crown law. Providing yearly reports on said maintentance to the crown officials. Provide council to the crown.


A barony fief with inner personal fee with small castle, a seat on the Large Council, Monarch's pledge of protection, a cut of taxes for facilitating fief management, among other benefits.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Treason against the crown, conspiracy or aid and abetting of treason. Tax fraud meeting or exceeding 50,000 gp
Nobility, Household
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Life, by oath
Reports directly to
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