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Cré Dorchadais ((CREH DOH-ruh-DAY))


The landscape of Cré Dorchadais is characterized by obsidian-like rock formations that dominate the terrain. Instead of conventional plant-life found in Solum, the plane boasts tall, pale grasses and trees that seem to effortlessly emerge from the dark stone and Spiderweb-like ferns cling to the rocky surfaces. The flora exhibits a twisted and spiraling nature, with flowers resembling grotesque and otherworldly blooms. Likewise, the natural landforms of Cré Dorchadais appear to defy traditional geological processes. Rather than being shaped by erosion or other familiar forces, they seemingly stretch and grow from the ground. Mountains rise and twist with unsettling shapes, valleys form intricate patterns, and canyons carve winding paths through the dark landscape. These landforms give the impression of being both ancient and ever-changing, further adding to the sense of perpetual mystery within Cré Dorchadais. Notable among this are the presence of stalactites that hang suspended in the air like inverted mountains. These formations defy conventional logic, as there is no visible cavern ceiling to support them and seem to levitate on their own accord. 
The oceans of Cré Dorchadais are unlike any known in Solum, but still pose no immediate danger to humanoid beings with brief contact, but safety is unknown regarding submersion and ingestion. It is unclear what secrets lie beneath the surface, of which appears as a black ooze.
Though not proven, Cré Dorchadais is believed to be flat.

Localized Phenomena

  • In complete silence, magical or otherwise, light chattering can be heard echoing within the minds of sentient beings. The Source of these voices cannot be located.

  • Small holes in reality seem to literally bubble up from what can only be interpreted as swamps. This holes have a sort of status effect, pausing time for anything that enters it. As those bubbles are indetectable by an unaided eye, they're regarded as incredibly dangerous.

  • Shadows appear to contain mass. If something with a large enough shadow moves fast enough, anything touched by said shadow is eviscerated.

  • Small wisps can be seen floating across the landscape. Without the influence of Athanasios to guide the dead to Pera, it is believed that these wisps are the souls of dead adventurers who were unfortunate enough to travel into this warped plane.


There is no sun in Cré Dorchadais as we know it in Solum, but light (however dim) does seem to emanate from an unknown entity. Shadows are inconsistently sized and dark. The sky is black and void, and the horizon seems to blend perfectly between the sky and land. A light fog constantly grips the surface of the earth, dissipating only when thunderstorms roll through. These storms spill a thin dark-purple liquid that dissipates into mist the second it makes contact with any material. The Lightning drains light around it , making it seem invisible, the only proof of its strike being a scorch mark and booming thunder. The clouds cannot be seen against the sky. The lightning strikes often enough, and is un predictable enough, that any living being caught in these storms are in incredible danger. If the fog lifts from your feet, it may already be too late.

Fauna & Flora

Not much is presently known about the life found in Cré Dorchadais aside from the stonelike plants, but it is believed that this plane is home to aberrations like Beholders (of which likely dwell deep under the earth), Aboleth (themselves within the waters), and Ilithid.
Alternative Name(s)
The Aberrant Unknown
Plane of Existence
Ruling/Owning Rank


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