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Faustina - Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

Divine Domains



The Cup of Serenity: A small bowl made of wood, it is believed that Faustina used the Cup of Serenity to feed those that she was in the process of caring for as well as administering potions that would work as anesthetics or other medicinal purposes. It is now believed that The Cup of Serenity has the power to envelope anyone who drinks from it with a feeling of pure bliss, but the cup has been missing since The Eternal Dusk, only rumors of its existence escaping.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Water Lily
A bowl filled with water rippling from a single drop

Tenets of Faith

Do Not Cause Suffering, work only to alleviate it
If life is suffering, be not afraid to end it
If death is suffering, be not afraid to return the dead
Help those in need
Love everyone as though they were your family
Try to convert those who cause suffering. If they don't waver, destroy them


The Verdan Festival of Peace: Renovamen 20-24 Annually - The Festival of Peace is a springtime holiday that begins on the 20th of Renovamen, the day its suspected that Faustina died, and ends on the 24th of Renovamen, the day its believe she was resurrected as a god. In this time, many cities across Verdai put aside work for four days and celebrate in the streets with copious amounts of food, dancing, and song. Local artists will sell their goods in stands, their art often reflecting the Goddess of Mercy. Theatre troupes and bards will reenact scenes from The Eternal Dusk and Faustina's place in it through Grand Opera over the course of the festival, of which is free to the public.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Faustina has one simple to understand and impossible to attain goal. Achieve world peace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faustina was a healer from Tir a'Chlaidh in the days before The Eternal Dusk. When war broke out, she was a conscientious objector, refusing to fight or provide medical assistance for any single side. As such, and exiled from Tir a'Chaildh for her reluctance to join the state military, Faustina traveled across Verdai during the war. During this, she would amass volunteers who would help Faustina set up medical camps to aid the wounded and provide rites to the dead. It is believed that Faustina was one of the first priestesses of Athanasios, but there have not been any documents or word from Faustina herself confirming this. 
One day, a raiding party from Tir a'Chlaidh found the medical encampment and took everything from the defenseless healers. The healers themselves were put to the sword, the raiders not needing more mouths to feed, and wholly unaware that the leader was a'Claidhi. It is believed that the scar on Faustina's eye is from the fatal wound she had sustained from the raiding party. Despite her apotheosis and ability to appear how she was before she had her scar, Faustina keeps it as a symbol showing the cost of compassion and her devotion to the cause.
Divine Classification
Major Deity
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of Mercy
Blue, Scar over the Left
Aligned Organization


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