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Iska - "Triton" (EE-ska)

Basic Information


Humanoid in nature, the Iska have two arms and legs. Limbs and Torso are proportionally longer than an average human, giving Iska a "stretched" appearance that is effectively hydrodynamic. An Iskans head has been known to take notable features in appearance to various marine creatures, but their faces are still notably "human" aside from larger, pointed ears that they rely on for picking up sound effectively and reliably in the dark depths.

Biological Traits

Iska never stop growing as they age. The tallest recorded Iskan was reported to be 9'7".   Iska are resistant to cold damage, but vulnerable to lightning.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thanks to the Iskan affinity to water, Iskan people have keen hearing while submerged (advantage to perception - hearing underwater). With this, the Iskan also have low-light vision for managing navigation in the depths.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Feminine Masculine Neutral Family
Andraste Ahearn Blair Aquila
Brenna Breanainn Caomhghin Benzelius
Cordelia Eghan Devyn Clemencia
Deirdre Gildas Etain Gallus
Ginerva Kayden Germaine Lilius
Lyonesse Llewelyn Innis Maiorana
Moira Orin Keir Muir
Oriana Trahern Perderi Olearius
Venetia Turi Rowen Santori
Yseault Uchdryd Wynne Tremelli

Major Organizations

The most notable of Iskan organizations is the political region of Paluvedegi in Gioveghanni, though recently Tofra is currently under the leadership of a Water Genasi and a Kobold.   Many other Iskan settlements exist in Verdai, most of which are found in the Marezzuro region of Gioveghanni. Gioveghanni does not recognize these settlements as independent, despite Iskan protestations.

Courtship Ideals

As a result of the long history or warfare against Sea Elves, proposals for marriage among the Iskan people consist of (most often) women creating a specialized set of mithril armor for their (most often) male counterparts. This armor is a symbol for the couples willingness to protect each other whether is be from the front lines or the Homefront. That said, there are (of course) instances of same sex partners and female soldiers that waver the traditional roles. Additionally, couples that do not have either member as a warrior (however rare) usually sees one of the two making the other an ornate tunic lined with mithril chain.

Average Technological Level

Iska are highly accomplished at metallurgy, building grand structures deep under the waves entirely out of pure mithril. Their mastery is to the level in which an Iskan home can have a single light-source, but have the light reflected and refracted in a way to perfectly light the entire structure. Iskan mithril is also often set with beautiful wavelike patterns during the crafting process that most relates to real life Damascus steel. No other civilization in Verdai has discovered how to replicate this method, and the Iskan people are not willing to share.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Primordial (Aquan)
  • Common

Common Dress Code

Iskan dress is minimal and tight to form, allowing for graceful and unhindered movement within the crushing pressure of the deep waters around Verdai. Despite this, Iska follow a sense of modesty. The Iskan people use this as an opportunity to make their clothing as ornate and beautiful as their tailoring can allow, with ceremonial clothing often being woven with strands of mithril.

Common Taboos

  • Wielding Lightning Magic
  • Sharing the Secret of Mithril Craft with other Species
  • Accepting Fata Mare (Sea Elf) hospitality


Iska are among the oldest known sentient races of Verdai. How long they've been present isn't exactly known as Iskan history was traditionally oral, though it is known that they long predate the Sea Elves that would encroach on their territory. Long and bloody wars have broken out between the Iska and Fata Mare (Sea Elves), most often from said elves desire for expansion and the Iskan access to mithril. From these times, the Iskan people have developed a distrust for elves and a societal fear of lightning magic, of which was often used against the heritage.

Common Myths and Legends

Though it is commonly accepted that Iskans are descended from metallic dragons, it is not settled upon which type. The most common belief of the Iska is that they originate from a mithril dragon named "Iska" that blessed their people with abundant resources of mithril in areas with high vegetation and sea life. There are no records of a mithril dragon ever existing, however.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Greatly uncommon, though there are instances of Iska intermingling with Sea Elves and Water Genasi - generally aquatic based heritages of Verdai so that the children are able to comfortably return to and live in their ancestral homes.
300 years
Average Height
Average Weight
180 lbs.


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