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Jane Henchy

The Immaculate Jane Vivian Henchy

Physical Description

Body Features

Jane used to have four large horns the color of pure bone, however, they have been replaced with pure mithril, which now work as her spellcasting focus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jane was born to a low income family hailing from the city of Kaidonawa in Lokrein. Her parents, both human, were horrified when it was revealed that their daughter was devil touched. The Day after her birth they had anonymously left her at the temple of Masamune, where she spent the vast majority of her life. Here she learned clerical knowledge, craftsmanship through smithing, and how to use her preferred weapon, the Maul. As she aged, realizing she was the only Tiefling around, Jane started to get bitter and curious about the parents who had forsaken her. As her knowledge had increased, she had been able to hunt them down. When she finally did, she decided to reward their vanity and selflessness with a crown of molten lead. Janes personal tutor, Rhys, had learned of what she had done. Fearful that she might be put to sword if her actions were discovered, he made Jane an alibi and got her transferred to the middle of nowhere in Aknir: the city of Kraberkai. Here she would very easily see herself manipulating her way to the top of the Social and Political order within the city and made it the segregated mess that its is known as today, as she believes Halben's to be dirty nomads with no class and no appreciation for the beautiful crafts that Masamune wished upon the world.


Jane works in Kraberkai as High Priestess in Kraberkai, leading religious and political gatherings and helping fund the towns two forges. On top of this, Jane also runs the city guard from the background, leaving them mostly to the dwarven sect and away from the Halben camp.

Accomplishments & Achievements

in spite of the severity of her actions in Lokrein, Jane actually saw herself promoted as a High Priestess of Masamune within the order as it exists in Aknir, earning her the title of The Immaculate.

Mental Trauma

After learning that Jane might be abandoned from birth for being a teifling, she has an obsession to be the perfect specimen for her god, accepting praise only from the highest of authority.


Religious Views

Follows the God of Craft and Forge as a zealot.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Immaculate
Forge Master
High Priestess
Date of Birth
1st of Relaquum
985 2E 1017 2E 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Defeated in Duel with Skamos Levanbrand
Kaidonawa, Lokrein
Place of Death
Current Residence
Kraberkai, Aknir
Raven Black
178 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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