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Verdai at a Glance

A general overview of Major Events that shaped Verdai into the land it is today.

The Era Outside of History

Creation to c. 1000 UE

The world of Holdtronja is created and forces of law and chaos battle over global supremacy. Dates in this era are theoretical and is believed to be approximately 1000 years long.

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    Holdtronja is Created

    Alexander and Eleanor, adrift in void, mold a planet worthy of life and create the first living beings in plantlike and the beasts of the land.

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    The Wound is Opened

    The exact causes of the opening of The Wound are hotly debated among Verdan historians, no thanks to the lack of assistance from the Akniri government in studying the rift, but it is commonly accepted that Eleanor descended in a celestial form to appreciate her work crafting beasts and how they have handled since creation. The sheer chaos embodied by Eleanor caused a tear in the planet from which demons consistently spill from.

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    The Progenitor is Born

    It is believed that Eleanor had a love for the creatures that spill from The Wound, and that the demons inspired her to create a single powerful being. This would be the first Dragon. Seven heads balanced the monstrosity, one head of red, gold, blue, brass, white, silver, and moonstone directly in the center. The Progenitor was so immensely powerful that it nearly caused a mass extinction event in the first 5 years of its life.

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    The Nephilim are Created

    Fearing the loss of Holdtronja to Eleanor's creation, The Progenitor, Alexander created a race of Radiant Giants made specifically to battle the seven headed dragon.

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    The Nephilim Fight The Progenitor

    The Nephilim and The Progenitor fight bitterly for centuries. It is said that the mountains of Mothnir and the swamps and bays of Gioveghanni were formed from the battle. In the end, the Nephilim are victorious, tearing each of the heads of The Great Dragon, creating seven unique dragons that would come to represent Law, Chaos, and Balance, the moonstone 'Relaquum' becoming of the chieftain of them.

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    The Disappearance of The Nephilim

    No one know what happened to The Nephilim of legend, but it is commonly believed that they are survived by their direct offspring like the Xixical in Nove-Modai or Corwintyu over the Anord Ocean.

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    The Tarrasque

    Realizing that the Nephilim have disappeared, the now full range of Dragons (Metallic, Chromatic, and Gem) convened in a ritual to regain their former glory. Whether the dragons were too weak to pull it of, or if there was divine intervention from Alexander himself we will never know, but the result is reported to be a monstrosity the size of a mountain. A wingless drake immune to divine magic and a bane to the dragons. It is believed that the Children of the Nephilim (The Primordials) and the Dragons worked together to place the beast into an unending slumber. Where The Tarrasque is now, no one knows.

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    The First Sentient Races

    Time passed and new beings would be made. From the Chromatic Dragons the world was introduced to the first Elder Fey, which in itself would beget Eladrin. From the Metallic Dragons, we would see the emergence of Lizardfolk in the plains and swamps, Triton in the Sea, and Gith in the mountains. From both we would see a more direct descendant in the forms of the small, yet ferocious Kobolds.

    From the Primordials, we would see the appearance of Elementals that would eventually beget Genasi, and Giants that would eventually beget gnomes, dwarves, halflings, and goliaths.

The First Era

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The First elves are born and begin taking historical records through poetic eddas.

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    The First Elves and Dwarves are Born

    Elves are not the first sentient species in Verdai, but they are the first to keep history through the use of Poetic Eddas and Music. Later, Dwarves would also begin writing their history within their walls of stone as epic sagas. Both forms of history are often debated on regarding their bias and credibility.

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    Humans Appear

    No one knows where humans came from. They have not been mentioned to derive from any other sentient species in Verdai, nor were they created by The Moons. One day, the humans just were. Despite their short lifespans compared to Dwarves and Elves, their sheer ability to adapt and reproduce quickly catapulted Humanity to the height of power in civilization. Ironically leading to the classification of Humanoid to be (to many species anger) labeled to any sentient bipedal creature.

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    The Eternal Dusk

    A Great War has overtaken Verdai. By the end of the war, the initial cause had been forgotten. Given the apotheosis of The Divine Helene, it is believed that the spark causing the powder-keg to ignite was a simple act of jealously in response to simply viewing Helene as an earthly woman.
    Causes aside, many things can be agreed on about The Eternal Dusk.

    • The Eternal Dusk got its name from an elven poem regarding the unending despair of war
    • Athanasios becomes the first mortal to attain divinity
    • Stars appeared in the sky
    • Many species of Flora and Fauna would go extinct in the conflict
    • Dragons were hunted for sport and titles
    • Gem Dragons as a whole vanished
    • Verdai lost contact with other continents

The Second Era

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The Great War has ended by the hand of Boudicca and the land has been brought together in six countries under a time of control and forced peace. How long will it last?

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    The Eternal Dusk comes to Dawn

    The Eternal Dusk is ended by an Orc Woman named Boudicca, who herself was drawn into the war because of the unjust massacre of her family and village. As reward for her achievement, The Moons bestowed Boudicca with two titles. From Alexander, The God of Justice. From Eleanor, The God of War. Boudicca used her newfound power from divinity to unite the remaining squabbling nations into six major countries.

      The Theocratic Republic of Mothnir
      The Magocratic Oligarchy of Nove-Modai
      The Holy Coalition of Lokrein
      The Confederacy of Greater Gioveghanni
      The Kingdom of Aknir
      The Nomadic Empire of Halberghair