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Marilyn, the enigmatic assassin, embodies a paradoxical blend of terror and tranquility. Her mere presence sends shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to encounter her. With an aura of unnerving confidence, she moves through the world like a predator stalking its prey. At first glance, Marilyn's face belies the malevolence that lies within. Her countenance possesses an ethereal beauty, serene and gentle like a mother gazing upon her cherished child. Delicate features, framed by cascades of lustrous raven hair, convey an innate tenderness. Almond-shaped eyes, the color of deep emeralds, hold a captivating allure, luring others into a false sense of security.   But it is in the dissonance between her visage and her presence that Marilyn's true terror takes hold. There is an intensity in her gaze, an unyielding determination that betrays her proficiency in the art of death. Every movement she makes exudes an uncanny grace, her lithe figure effortlessly commanding attention. Her strides possess a predatory grace, simultaneously fluid and purposeful, making it abundantly clear that she is a predator among her prey.   The air crackles with an electric tension whenever Marilyn is near. A chilling aura surrounds her, an intangible force that gnaws at the edges of one's sanity. Her silence is unnerving, a testament to her discipline and the depths of her deadly prowess. She is a master of anticipation, always one step ahead, leaving her adversaries trembling in fear before they even realize their fate is sealed.  


Marilyn is a key figure to the seed saga as one of the tarot stones and makes many appearances throughout the entirety of Hollows Landings story.

Early Life

Marilyn was born in 298 AE and lived within a small village within the outskirts of the country Valaykia. She was born into an unknown family who was poor and lived most of her childhood struggling to find food. Her parents would always argue over her existence and called it a burden to their lives, saying her birth only made their situation worse. Throughout her childhood her parents made subtle attempts to murder or abandon her.   She was aware the whole time but was too scared to actually say or do anything. One attempt was set apart from the others when they bashed her over the head with a stone. While she was bleeding out her father held her down while her mother tried to finish her off. Marilyn, while struggling, managed to grab a nearby broken bottle and stabbed her father in the hand, then the eye with it. After which she leapt to kill her mother.  


During Arc VII, Marilyn was released from the Mirror when Veil, The Fool Stone, disguised herself as Stick in order to take Marilyns mirror. After which she was released and waited in the manor for Stick to arrive so she could assassinate her. After witnessing the dark timeline, Stick came back to the manor prepared with Dante, Misato, Mako, Frieda, Seras, Hana, and Siora. Marilyn struggled to keep her own in the ensuing fight due to how many strong opponents she faced, one of them also possessing a stone. After the battle Marilyns stone was thrown by Dante deep into the woods so she could regenerate. Her stone was severely damaged however, which lead to it becoming overcharged, causing her regeneration to not regenerate her fully leaving the top corner and other pieces of her body unregenerated. Due to the stone being pushed to its limit she was a dead body walking with her head twitching severely with a wide grin. Her mind was put on sort of an autopilot mode in which her only goal was to kill Stick and anything in the way of that goal as she chased ferociously cutting whole trees in half while speed blitzing to try and hit Stick.   Laurie arrived soon after and had a plan. She had Marilyn chase them back into what remained of the manor. During the chase she was hit several times but was able to stay off of Marilyns radar. Marilyn chased them into the ruined manor and nearly killed Laurie. Her regeneration began to work once more, and she returned to her senses. She had a moment of Euphoria as she went to execute Laurie in front of Stick and talked about how she's longed to fight a Hellsing her whole life. However, this statement was her downfall. Laurie had led her to a disguised room of the Witch of Desire. Out of the darkness, pale hands began to make their way towards Marilyn and grab her. Marilyn's souls were pulled into the Abyss by the Witch, destroying both her and the empress stone with it.  

The Empress Stone

The stone she possesses is known as the "Empress Stone". The stone heightens her ability and gives her a charming nature as a passive ability making her victims feel comforted almost as if by their mother while also feeling a sense of dread. With her stone she was able to regenerate very quickly compared to the others with it only taking upwards of 5 minutes to regenerate her entire body. Marilyn could also use the stone's ability to travel at unnatural speeds, making her one of the most feared stones out of the Stones Of Fate.       

Appearances In The Story

Throughout Chapter I of Hollows Landing Campaign 1, Marilyn makes several appearances over the course of several Arcs and acts as a force of nature antagonist.

Arc I

In Arc I Marilyn was first encountered in the Old Ashton Sewers trying to assassinate Rouk. She was introduced killing a cultist member before beginning her chase on Rouk, Seule and Altori. She also had multiple encounters with Rouk in attempts to intemidate him and keep a watchful eye on him.    


  her apperance in Arc III was during the Underground Auction arc. During this she was an assassin hired once more by Jack Weston in order to help prevent his assassination and more importantly kill Covington. During the auction after Weston was assassinated, she quickly fought Rouk before getting hit with a fire ball point blank range. While she was regenerating Altori held a mirror of trapping to her face until her eyes regenerated and met the conditions for the magical mirror, trapping her.  


Her appearance in Arc VII was short but impactful with her in the dark timeline killing almost every central figure including, Pan, Siora, and Laurie. It was also mentioned that she killed Fay and Serafina off screen. In the main timeline she was defeated by Laurie.
Current Status
298 AE 866 AE
Medium Jet Black Hair


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