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Tieflings have a humanoid form, but their skin is usually a shade of reddish-brown, gray, or purple, with a hint of a scaly texture. They also have small, sharp horns that protrude from their forehead, and their eyes are often a vivid and striking color, such as red, gold, or violet. Their hair is typically thick and luxurious, and can range from black or brown to fiery red or even a stark white. One of the most distinctive features of tieflings are their tails, which are usually thin and spade-shaped, and can range in color from deep red to black. Their tails are often flexible and prehensile, allowing them to use them for a variety of purposes, from balance to grabbing and manipulating objects.   Tieflings are known for their sharp wit and cunning, which often makes them excellent negotiators and diplomats. However, due to their appearance and the stigma associated with it, many tieflings are forced to live on the fringes of society, making their way as traders, thieves, or mercenaries.   Despite their reputation, tieflings can be fiercely loyal to those who earn their trust, and can be valuable allies in times of need. They are also known for their incredible resilience and tenacity, traits that have helped them survive in a world that often seeks to cast them out.

Basic Information


The anatomy of the tiefling race is similar to that of humans, with a few notable differences that reflect their demonic or devilish heritage. Tieflings have a humanoid form, with two arms and two legs, a torso, a head, and a neck. However, their skin is usually a shade of reddish-brown, gray, or purple, with a hint of a scaly texture. This scaly texture is most noticeable around their necks and shoulders, as well as along their tails.   One of the most distinctive features of tieflings are their small, sharp horns that protrude from their forehead. These horns are typically curved and pointed, and can vary in size and shape depending on the individual. Some tieflings have only small nubs for horns, while others have large, impressive horns that curl back over their heads.   Another notable feature of tieflings is their eyes, which are often a vivid and striking color, such as red, gold, or violet. Their eyes are typically larger than those of humans, and are set slightly farther apart.   Tieflings also have thin, spade-shaped tails that protrude from their lower backs. These tails are often flexible and prehensile, allowing them to use them for a variety of purposes, from balance to grabbing and manipulating objects. The tips of their tails are usually adorned with a tuft of hair or a small spike.   Despite their demonic appearance, tieflings have similar internal organs to humans, including a heart, lungs, and digestive system. However, their blood is usually a darker color than that of humans, and can sometimes have a slightly viscous or oily texture.   Overall, the tiefling anatomy is both striking and unique, reflecting their otherworldly origins and setting them apart from the rest of the humanoid races.

Biological Traits

One of the most distinctive biological traits of tieflings is their appearance. Tieflings often have skin that ranges from shades of red, orange, and purple to more muted tones like gray or brown. They may also have unusual eye colors or horns that sprout from their forehead, as well as tails and other demonic features. Tieflings may also possess supernatural abilities and powers, such as the ability to cast spells, manipulate fire or other elements, or even transform into other forms. These abilities are often tied to their demonic heritage and may manifest differently in different tieflings.   In terms of physical abilities, tieflings are often depicted as being stronger, faster, and more agile than humans or other races. They may also have enhanced senses, such as the ability to see in the dark or detect magical energies.   However, tieflings also have weaknesses and vulnerabilities, such as susceptibility to cold iron or other materials that are toxic to their demonic blood. They may also be more prone to certain diseases or illnesses due to their unique biology.   Overall, the tiefling race's biological traits are a key part of their otherworldly nature, and can both empower and challenge them as they navigate the world around them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings are believed to be descended from humans who made pacts with demons or devils, or who were cursed by them for some transgression. This demonic or devilish influence is said to have altered their genetic makeup, giving them their distinctive physical features and powers. The exact nature of tiefling genetics is not well understood, but it is believed that tieflings can be born to human parents who carry the tiefling bloodline. This bloodline is often seen as a curse or a mark of shame, and tieflings are often shunned or feared by other races as a result.   In terms of reproduction, tieflings are believed to have a similar process to that of humans. They are capable of mating with humans or other tieflings, and can produce offspring of either race. However, tieflings are said to have a higher likelihood of producing tiefling offspring, due to the influence of their demonic or devilish genetics.   It is also believed that tieflings can interbreed with other races, although the resulting offspring may be unpredictable in terms of their physical traits and abilities. Some tieflings are also said to be born with innate magical abilities, which can vary widely depending on their individual ancestry and heritage.   Overall, the genetics and reproduction of the tiefling race are often shrouded in mystery and folklore, reflecting their otherworldly origins and setting them apart from the rest of the humanoid races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tiefling infants are born in a similar manner to human infants, and typically reach milestones such as crawling and walking at similar ages. However, tieflings are said to mature more quickly than humans, reaching physical and mental maturity by the age of 18 or 20, rather than the 25 or 30 years that humans may take. During childhood and adolescence, tieflings may begin to exhibit the unique physical features associated with their demonic or devilish heritage, such as small horns or a scaly texture to their skin. These features may become more pronounced as they reach adulthood, with some tieflings developing large, impressive horns or wings that allow them to fly.   Tieflings are also believed to have a longer lifespan than humans, often living well into their second or third centuries. However, this extended lifespan is also said to come with a price, as tieflings may be plagued by feelings of isolation or loneliness due to their demonic or devilish appearance, which can set them apart from other races.   Overall, the growth rate and stages of development of tieflings are similar to those of humans, with some minor differences that reflect their otherworldly heritage and set them apart from the rest of the humanoid races.

Ecology and Habitats

Tieflings are known to inhabit a wide range of environments and habitats, including cities, towns, and villages, as well as wild and remote areas such as forests, mountains, and deserts. However, tieflings are often drawn to places that offer them some degree of protection or anonymity, such as hidden caverns or abandoned ruins. Despite their demonic or devilish heritage, tieflings are said to have a similar diet and lifestyle to humans. They may hunt, farm, or forage for food, and may engage in a wide range of professions and trades, from merchants and traders to warriors and spellcasters.   However, tieflings are also believed to have unique powers and abilities that set them apart from other races. Many tieflings possess innate magical abilities, which can vary widely depending on their individual ancestry and heritage. Some tieflings may also possess physical traits or abilities that reflect their demonic or devilish heritage, such as wings, claws, or the ability to breathe fire or acid.   Overall, the ecology and habitat of the tiefling race are as varied and complex as their origins and powers, reflecting their unique place in the world of fantasy and setting them apart from the rest of the humanoid races.


Tieflings are known for their independence and self-reliance, often preferring to keep to themselves rather than rely on others for help or support. This can lead tieflings to be viewed as aloof or distant by other races, but it also allows them to maintain their autonomy and avoid being controlled or manipulated by others. At the same time, tieflings are often plagued by feelings of isolation and loneliness, as their demonic or devilish appearance and powers can set them apart from other races and make it difficult for them to form lasting relationships. This can lead some tieflings to adopt a cynical or bitter outlook on life, viewing the world as a hostile and uncaring place.   Despite their sometimes difficult behavior and psychology, tieflings are also known for their resilience and adaptability. Many tieflings have learned to harness their demonic or devilish powers in creative and innovative ways, using them to overcome obstacles and solve problems that other races may struggle with.   Overall, the behavior and psychology of the tiefling race are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including their otherworldly heritage, their experiences of discrimination and isolation, and their innate strengths and abilities. While tieflings may sometimes be viewed with suspicion or fear by other races, they are also valued for their independence, resilience, and creativity.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

In Hollows Landing, tieflings are often depicted as a relatively rare and scattered race, with no specific homeland or geographic distribution. This is because tieflings are typically born to human parents who have some degree of demonic or devilish ancestry, rather than being a distinct race with a shared cultural or geographic heritage. As a result, tieflings can be found living in many different parts of the Material Plane, often in small communities or as individuals living among other races. They may be concentrated in certain regions where their demonic heritage is more common, such as areas that are known for being haunted or cursed, or where powerful demonic entities hold sway.   However, tieflings are also known to be adaptable and resourceful, and may be found living and thriving in a variety of environments and cultures. They may be traders, mercenaries, or adventurers, using their unique abilities and connections to navigate the complex political and social landscape of the fantasy world.   Overall, the tiefling race's geographic distribution is marked by its diversity and adaptability, reflecting the complex interplay between human and demonic elements that define their nature.

Average Intelligence

tieflings are often depicted as having a wide range of intelligence levels, much like humans or other fantasy races. There is no set "average" intelligence for tieflings as a whole, as individuals can vary greatly in terms of their intellectual abilities and aptitudes. However, tieflings are often described as being highly individualistic and independent, with a natural curiosity and drive to explore the world around them. They may possess a wide range of intellectual strengths, from strategic thinking and problem-solving to creative expression and artistic talent.   In some cases, tieflings may also have a particular affinity for magic or other forms of arcane knowledge, due to their demonic heritage and connection to otherworldly powers. They may be skilled spellcasters, alchemists, or other types of magical practitioners, and may have a deep understanding of the arcane forces that shape the material plane.   Overall, tieflings are often depicted as highly capable and intelligent, with a range of strengths and weaknesses that make them unique and valuable members of Hollows Landing.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

One common trait of tieflings is their heightened perception and awareness of their surroundings. Many tieflings possess exceptional sight, hearing, and smell, allowing them to pick up on details and nuances that other races may miss. This acute perception can make tieflings skilled trackers, hunters, and scouts, and can also make them valuable allies in combat. In addition to their physical senses, tieflings are often depicted as possessing a range of extrasensory abilities. Some tieflings are able to sense the presence of magic or other supernatural phenomena, while others can communicate telepathically with other creatures or manipulate the elements themselves. These abilities can make tieflings formidable foes in battle, as well as valuable allies in more subtle forms of conflict.   However, tieflings' perception and sensory/extrasensory capabilities can also have drawbacks. Their heightened senses and sensitivity to magic can leave them vulnerable to sensory overload or psychic attacks, and their extrasensory abilities can attract unwanted attention from supernatural entities or other dangerous beings.   Overall, the tiefling race's perception and sensory/extrasensory capabilities are a key part of their otherworldly nature, and can both empower and challenge them as they navigate the world around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In Hollows Landing, tieflings are often depicted as having a wide range of naming traditions, reflecting their diverse cultural and geographic backgrounds. Some tieflings may adopt human or demonic names, while others may choose names that reflect their unique heritage or personal identity. One common naming convention for tieflings is to use demonic or infernal names, often with a dark or ominous meaning. These names may reflect the tiefling's demonic ancestry, and can help them to connect with their heritage and tap into their otherworldly powers.   Other tieflings may choose to adopt human names, either to blend in more easily with human society or to distance themselves from their demonic heritage. These names may reflect the culture or language of the region where the tiefling was born or raised, and can vary widely in terms of style and origin.   In some cases, tieflings may also create their own unique names, either by combining elements of existing names or by inventing entirely new words or phrases. These names can be highly personal and reflective of the tiefling's individuality and creativity.   Overall, tiefling naming traditions are marked by their diversity and flexibility, reflecting the wide range of cultural and individual influences that shape tiefling identity and culture.

Common Myths and Legends

tieflings are often the subject of myths and legends that explore their demonic heritage and the powers they possess. These myths and legends can vary widely depending on the culture and region where they originate, but often involve themes of temptation, darkness, and the struggle between good and evil. One common myth surrounding tieflings is that they are descended from demons or other demonic creatures, and possess a natural affinity for dark magic and otherworldly powers. According to this myth, tieflings are often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, and may be feared or persecuted by those who do not understand their true nature.   Another common legend surrounding tieflings is that they possess a natural charisma and charm, which they can use to influence and manipulate those around them. This legend may stem from tieflings' demonic ancestry, which is often associated with seduction, temptation, and manipulation.   In some cultures, tieflings are also associated with witchcraft and other forms of dark magic, and may be seen as powerful but dangerous figures who must be approached with caution. They may also be associated with underworld creatures like demons, devils, and other supernatural beings, and may be seen as intermediaries between the mortal world and the realm of the supernatural.   Overall, tieflings are often the subject of rich and complex myths and legends, which reflect the multifaceted nature of their demonic heritage and the unique powers and abilities that they possess.
Scientific Name
Average Height
5 feet and 6 inches to 6 feet and two inches
Average Weight
120 – 190lb


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