BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Timelines & Universes

Throughout the expansive multiverse of Hollows Landing there are an infinite number of Alternate Universes, and Timelines that exist coherently all at once. While these two ideas share some similarities, they are fundamentally distinct, representing divergent possibilities for reality and the nature of existence.    

Universes And Timelines

  An alternative timeline refers to a hypothetical scenario where events in the past unfolded differently, leading to an altered present and future. It suggests that if one pivotal moment or decision had been altered, the entire course of history could have taken a different trajectory. For example, in an alternative timeline, World War II might have ended differently, or a significant scientific breakthrough may have occurred at an earlier or later date. Alternative timelines are characterized by a singular branching point, after which history unfolds along a new path. While exploring alternative timelines is a fascinating exercise in contemplating the consequences of different choices, it still operates within the confines of our known universe. On the other hand, parallel universes, also known as a multiverse, represent an entirely distinct concept. They propose the existence of multiple coexisting realities, each with its own set of physical laws, constants, and potential outcomes. In this view, our universe is just one among an infinite number of parallel universes, each existing simultaneously but independent of one another. These parallel universes may differ vastly in terms of their fundamental properties, such as the number of dimensions, the strength of gravity, or the existence of other forms of life. The notion of parallel universes allows for infinite variations and possibilities, encompassing everything from minor divergences to radically alien landscapes and civilizations.   While alternative timelines are confined to the scope of a single universe, parallel universes expand the realm of possibility exponentially. The existence of parallel universes implies an incomprehensibly vast tapestry of realities, each with its own unique set of circumstances and outcomes. They can differ from our universe in both subtle and profound ways, encompassing variations in history, scientific laws, societal structures, and even the nature of consciousness itself.   To simplify think of each universe as its own tree, And on that tree there is a timeline that branches out in multiple directions.  

The Laws Of A Universe

  Within the boundless expanse of the multiverse, alternate universes emerge, each distinct from our own in subtle or radical ways. These alternative realms harbor a rich tapestry of divergences, ranging from minute deviations in history to profound disparities in the laws of physics and the very fabric of reality. Stepping into these alternate universes is akin to traversing through a cosmic kaleidoscope, where every shift reveals a unique and captivating world. In some alternate universes, the deviations from our own reality are slight, almost imperceptible at first glance. It may be as simple as a single historic event taking an entirely different course, reshaping the trajectory of civilization. Perhaps a decisive battle had a contrasting outcome, or a significant invention was discovered by someone else, altering the course of scientific progress. These subtle divergences weave a tapestry where familiar faces and places are imbued with intriguing twists, inviting exploration and contemplation of the delicate balance between chance and destiny.   On the other end of the spectrum lie alternate universes that venture far beyond the boundaries of our understanding. In these extraordinary realms, the laws of physics and reality undergo dramatic transformations, defying our conventional understanding. Gravity may fluctuate wildly, or time might bend and twist in unexpected ways. The fabric of space itself may contain additional dimensions, unveiling a cosmos that expands beyond our own limited perceptions.   In such alternate universes, the very nature of existence can be drastically different. Life forms may evolve with wildly diverse physiologies, perception, and cognition. Societal structures may be built upon principles and values alien to our own. Technologies could harness energies and principles that lie far beyond our grasp, opening up possibilities that were once the stuff of dreams.   Importantly, these alternate universes possess their own self-contained timelines. Each timeline, separate from the others, unravels a unique sequence of events and possibilities. The decisions made and actions taken within these alternate realities unfurl along distinct branches, forming intricate patterns that only they can claim. The threads of time, woven through the tapestry of each universe, narrate stories that are both intimately intertwined and divergently distinct.   Exploring these alternate universes offers a glimpse into the infinite potentiality of existence. From the subtle divergences that challenge our notions of fate to the grand cosmic symphonies where reality's rules bend and shatter, each alternate universe invites us to expand our horizons, to ponder the vastness and intricacy of the multiverse.   Whether venturing into the realm of a seemingly familiar but subtly altered timeline or delving into a universe where the laws of physics dance to their own harmonies, the exploration of alternate universes is an awe-inspiring journey into the depths of possibility. It ignites our curiosity, provokes contemplation, and reminds us of the vast tapestry of existence, where every divergence and discovery contributes to the ever-evolving mosaic of reality.  

Traveling through other universes

In a realm where magic weaves its intricate threads through the fabric of reality, a profound ability emerges, granting individuals the power to traverse the boundaries of universes. Unlike the precarious act of journeying through timelines, venturing into other universes carries a remarkable freedom, as the consequences that accompany such travels are remarkably minimal. Magic acts as the conduit, bridging the gaps between disparate realms and facilitating the exploration of uncharted cosmic landscapes. The nature of interuniversal travel rests upon a fundamental distinction. When an individual ventures from one universe to another, they are not native to the destination they enter. This fundamental difference in origin prevents the collapse or alteration of existing universes, as the traveler merely acts as an interloper, an observer, or a visitor within the foreign reality. The integrity of the destination universe remains untouched, preserving the unique tapestry of its own existence.   The practice of interuniversal travel harnesses the enigmatic forces of magic, allowing individuals to navigate between these realms with relative ease. By invoking arcane spells, manipulating energy, or tapping into ancient artifacts, one can open gateways that transcend the confines of a singular universe. These gateways serve as portals, connecting one realm to another, enabling explorers to step into a vast multitude of alternate worlds.   Once the threshold is crossed, the traveler finds themselves immersed in the wonders and marvels of the destination universe. These realms may exhibit stark contrasts or subtle variations, presenting landscapes, societies, and phenomena that diverge from their native reality. The laws of physics, the nature of magic, and the very essence of existence itself may exhibit entirely different principles and manifestations.   Remarkably, interuniversal travel does not disrupt the delicate balance of the cosmic order. The act of traversing to other universes, unburdened by the collapse or alteration of timelines, stands as a testament to the resilience of these vast and interconnected realities. The exploration of other universes becomes an opportunity for discovery, enlightenment, and cross-dimensional collaboration, fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences.   Yet, interuniversal travel is not without its challenges. Each universe possesses its own unique blend of magic, its own set of rules and dynamics that govern the fabric of reality. Travelers must navigate these nuances, adapting to the local magical currents, and ensuring their actions align with the norms and expectations of the universe they visit. Missteps or disruptions can still lead to unforeseen consequences, even if they do not directly impact the destination universe.   In the realm where magic intertwines with interuniversal exploration, the limits of imagination and discovery stretch beyond the confines of a single reality. Through the mastery of magical arts, individuals transcend the boundaries of their native universe, embarking on extraordinary journeys that span cosmic landscapes. It is a testament to the wondrous and ever-expanding nature of the multiverse, offering a boundless tapestry of possibilities to be explored and cherished.


In the vast expanse of the multiverse, a delicate balance of fundamental laws and principles governs the diverse tapestry of existence. Each universe is a unique expression of these laws, defining its own reality and shaping the course of its inhabitants. However, tampering with these core principles can lead to a cataclysmic event known as an incursion. When an audacious individual dares to alter the very fabric of a universe's foundational laws, the consequences are profound and far-reaching. As the fundamental principles that uphold the universe are disrupted, the intricate threads holding its existence together begin to fray. These disruptions trigger an incursion, a momentous event that heralds the collapse of the universe itself.   As the incursion unfolds, a series of fractures propagate through the multiverse, opening up gateways between the affected universe and its counterparts. Similar universes, with slight variations or alternate realities, are drawn into the maelstrom, merging into a tumultuous convergence of disparate realms. The boundaries that once separated these universes blur, creating a chaotic and unstable tapestry of colliding realities.   Within this tumultuous upheaval, the combined forces of multiple merging universes wage a cosmic battle for dominance. The collision of diverse laws, principles, and realities engenders a cataclysmic struggle, where opposing forces vie for control over the newly formed amalgamation. In this clash of universes, the fate of countless realities hangs in the balance.   As the incursion progresses, the fabric of each merging universe weakens and frays. The very essence of these once-distinct realms begins to unravel, culminating in their ultimate collapse. The destruction is all-encompassing, consuming not only the universe that initiated the incursion but also the other merging universes that were drawn into the chaotic convergence.   Amidst this destruction, a rebirth occurs. The remnants of the collapsing universes merge and coalesce, forming a new, singular reality. The shattered fragments of once-separate existences converge, intertwining and melding into a grand synthesis of cosmic energies. The newly born universe emerges, forged from the remnants of its predecessor and the amalgamation of countless others.   This reborn universe represents a confluence of the diverse elements and possibilities that were once scattered across the multiverse. It is a testament to the transformative power of incursion, where the destruction of multiple realities gives rise to a singular, unified cosmos. The scars of the past remain etched upon this newly formed universe, its history and echoes resonating with the remnants of the collapsed realms.   The incursion, with its devastating consequences and transformative aftermath, serves as a cautionary tale. It warns of the immense responsibility that comes with tampering with the very foundations of reality. The delicate balance of the multiverse is to be respected and preserved, for the consequences of incursion are irreversible and forever alter the course of existence.   In the ever-unfolding saga of the multiverse, the incursion stands as a testament to the fragility of universes, the power of their foundational laws, and the potential for both creation and destruction that resides within the boundless expanse of existence.  

The Laws Of Timelines

  In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, there exists a peculiar timeline that defies conventional notions of cause and effect, branching out infinitely with every minor action. In this extraordinary reality, each minuscule decision, no matter how seemingly inconsequential, births an infinite number of divergent timelines. These timelines exist independently, encapsulating their own unique set of events, people, and possibilities. However, despite the infinite alternatives branching out from every action, a peculiar truth remains: the flow of events within each individual timeline remains unalterable. No matter how ardently one may strive to alter the course of events within a particular timeline, it proves to be an insurmountable task. Every attempt to change a timeline's trajectory ultimately spawns an entirely new timeline, separate and distinct from the original.   Curiously, traversing these timelines through the power of an ancient spell yields unexpected revelations. When one ventures into the perceived "past" by means of this mystical incantation, they do not truly alter the events that have already occurred. Instead, their presence in the past creates an entirely new timeline, one divergent from the original, where their actions and influence can unfold afresh. The same principle applies when traveling into the "future" — it entails a journey into a hitherto unexplored timeline that materializes based on the actions taken.   Remarkably, venturing into a parallel timeline and altering events within it does not retroactively change one's original timeline. The intricate web of fate and time preserves the integrity of each timeline, ensuring its continuity remains untouched. Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges from the shadows. It is discovered that by meticulously orchestrating events and crafting a future that bears striking similarities to another timeline, a convergence can occur. As these similar timelines gradually align, drawing ever closer to one another, they merge and coalesce into a singular, unified timeline.   The convergence of timelines heralds the possibility of a definitive change in one's own reality, a transformation that transcends the confines of individual timelines. By engineering a future that mirrors another with exquisite precision, the threads of fate intertwine, weaving together the tapestry of existence into a new cohesive whole.   Thus, in this enigmatic realm of infinite timelines, the pursuit of change remains a tantalizing challenge. The ability to alter one's own timeline proves elusive, requiring the delicate artistry of crafting a future that harmonizes with another. As each timeline cascades with infinite possibilities, the journey to convergence beckons, offering a glimmer of hope for those who dare to traverse the boundless realms of fate and time.

A Root In Time

In the intricacies of time, there exists a phenomenon known as a "Root." Within the tapestry of a timeline, a Root signifies an event that has transpired and become an immutable part of its fabric. Once a Root takes hold, its occurrence becomes an indomitable force, weaving its way into the very essence of the timeline, shaping its destiny and rendering it an irrevocable fact.   The power of a Root lies in its resolute certainty, transcending the realm of possibility and probability. It stands as an anchor in the river of time, a fixed point upon which the past, present, and future converge. Regardless of one's desires, intentions, or efforts, a Root remains impervious to change, its existence etched into the annals of fate.   Attempting to alter or erase a Root through forceful manipulation of the timeline is a perilous endeavor, known as the Ultimate Taboo. It is a transgression against the very laws of the temporal fabric, an act that defies the inherent structure and order of reality. Such hubris carries dire consequences, threatening to unleash chaos upon the delicate balance that governs the interconnected web of existence.

The Ultimate Taboo

In the intricate tapestry of time, a perilous phenomenon lurks, fraught with catastrophic consequences. Within the realm of this reality, should one dare to venture back into the past on the very same timeline, a profound disruption ensues, leading to the utter collapse of that timeline itself. As the act of time travel unfolds, the once-solid thread of history unravels, plummeting into the abyss of time itself, forever erased, forgotten, and destroyed. When an intrepid explorer sets foot into the past, armed with the power to alter events and rewrite the course of history, they unknowingly tamper with the delicate fabric of temporal existence. Each alteration, no matter how seemingly innocuous, carries profound ramifications that reverberate through the entire timeline. The intricate interplay of cause and effect, meticulously woven throughout the tapestry of time, is cast into disarray, its threads fraying and intertwining in chaotic patterns.   As the temporal anomaly unfolds, an irreversible destabilization takes hold. The once-cohesive timeline succumbs to an inexorable unraveling, akin to a grand tapestry disintegrating before one's eyes. The past becomes a maelstrom of fragmented moments, lost in a sea of swirling paradoxes and contradictions. The weight of the altered actions, the discrepancies introduced, and the irreconcilable inconsistencies pile upon the fabric of time, stretching it to its limits.   Eventually, the strain becomes too great for the fragile continuum to bear. The very foundation of the timeline crumbles, collapsing into itself like a celestial house of cards. The entirety of that particular reality plunges into oblivion, forever severed from the tapestry of existence. The thread that once represented its unique journey through time is mercilessly cut, lost in the depths of the abyss.   With the destruction of the timeline, a profound sense of loss permeates the cosmos. The memories, experiences, and legacies of those who once inhabited that reality are irrevocably erased, consigned to the annals of a history that never was. The impact and significance of their existence are swallowed by the voracious hunger of time, forever obscured and silenced.   It serves as a haunting reminder of the fragility and interconnectedness of the temporal web. The act of venturing back within the same timeline carries with it a profound responsibility and dire consequences. The collapse of a timeline serves as a warning, a testament to the immense power and profound repercussions that accompany meddling with the fluid currents of time.   In this domain where past, present, and future intertwine, one must tread cautiously, mindful of the irreversible damage that can be wrought upon the very fabric of reality. The collapsed timelines serve as silent epitaphs, forgotten whispers of what once was, an eternal reminder of the irreversible consequences that await those who dare to manipulate time on a single thread.


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