Across the Erensari 1473.06 to 1473.12

Arrival in the Erensari Plains where the Telehetti people rule.   The City of Maa - ruled over by the Matron Elekandri Semushina of the Singidi Circle - filled with living Spur Towers powered by shaman-druids known as the Arborvimancers. A vast wetlands plain is crossed before entering Maa, with raised boardwalks and paths crisscrossing the ground. The city is small and bustling and has expanded to triple normal size for a celebration commemorating the defeat of the Helegu 135 years ago.   Near the city a local man painted in yellow a man is being crushed by a living Adonsoni Tree - he has been accused of spying for the Helegu   Within the city there is/are:
  • a standing gnome population
  • small numbers of elves and dwarves including the blue tattooed covered Teyrin Elves
  • giant hyena being lead on silver cords - Onai intently paying attention to other things at the time
  • leopards and lions accompanied by warriors and priestesses
  • the foundations of an old Argos fort which is now a vibrant marketplace
  • Janto traders who are extended families of deeply bronzed half elves
  • working Paracerether, Indricothere, Elephants, Chalicos and Zebra
  • the broad Chordata river filled with reeds, huge fish, crocodiles and the occasional water sprite
  • travelers from all over, from places such as Semudan (appears to be many states of Semudan), Golden Akkad, Han-Hausa, Sebakka, Koresea, Mossi City States and other Telehetti Circles
  • elite assault forces on the backs of armoured war elephants and war rhinos
  • a Treonol Grand Merchant, Behmet of House Hahmet
  Ophion, Ephut Ki and Atala stay drinking with Boss Jari - Old Mate - head of a Janto Trader clan, bravely spoiling an assassination attempt (which in 1 round did serious enough damage it would've killed any of the group) on old mate and capturing the assassin Jari summons a suit of gold leaf armour and a spear that throws as lightning to heklp apprehend his attempted killer The assassin was held in a water tank and later revealed that it was sent by the Monks of Oba; vengeance is planned!   Heain, Maybellina, Rubens and Kunoh await Matron Elekandri Semushina of the Sindigi Circle who appears from behind the tallest Spur Tower on the back of a Silver Dragon Assassination attempt by Duergar wielding warpstone loaded crossbows, concealed under illusion, is foiled and the culprits captured A misfired shot produces a spectacular and huge blast 100's of feet across in the sky of crackling translucent green The Matron and her warriors take the Duergar and there weapons away, but not before dropping off sways of platinum trading bars and the Matron uttering the term "Phantom energy" as she takes the crossbows and bolts   With the money, much purchasing of expensive arms and armour is ordered and made.   A clan of Teyrin Elves (nomadic & secretive covered in ritualistic blue tattoos) have the head of a Carkade Mummy Lord in their possession after the Mummy Lord and his court appeared in their midst; many dead elves.   Monks of Oba (preferred fashion statement = heavy dusting of ochre powder with white patterns on one side of face only) took Ruben prisoner before an exchange was made for Atalla. The Spur Tower housing the Monks allowed passage way into the Shadowfel at the command of the head monk ("no name to you") - Atalla romped with undead - would've liked to have spent a little time here but no time allowed - maybe better to note the large numbers of undead inhabiting Maa's echo city in the Shadowfel.   A trade was reached with the assassin (being held prisoner in water chamber) being traded for Atalla and 5000gp to Jari for his loss. Jari (old mate), Boss of Clan Crokuz of the Janto Traders went to confront Necan, Boss Necan of Clan Negbotho - Necan's son had ordered the assassination of Boss Jari for his 'humilialtion' after Jari withdrew from his granddaughter from marrying him - No details of what transpired, but Jari and his warriors returned with some obvious injuries.   Heard the term used 'phantom energy' in reference to the green energy that the duergar dwarves used in their failed assassination attempt on the Matron - also observed similar to the green energy observed in vision of distant past involving the monstrous Carkade pyramids.   You left with the Janto Traders firstly along the Chordata River in barges and then later transferred to caravans as barges were sent in a different direction.
  • Shadowed by large packs of gnolls who never engaged with the caravan but did pick off one Janto outrider.
  • Trees blocked passageway at one point, Jari observed talking with slender robed figure standing atop trees, one soldier down with large smouldering wounds on armour. Figure was a warlock, no more detail given, but Jari observed (and heard) making payment).
  • Jari asked if Maybellina knew she was a 'bride' already?
  • Further travel resulted in stretching, pulsing within caravan (similar in sense to shadowstep)
  • Arrived at the northerly point of the freshwater Keshin Sea - 400 miles long, up to 100 miles wide, spent time with Quint, who had fled the Kali Tyranny upon its arising 30 years ago
  • Jari's granddaughter is a powerful seer - no detail given on her abilities or how they work
  • Knew Ophion's 'father'
  • Ophion and granddaughter to be married in 3 years - Ophion now possessor of black dragon wyrmling teeth
  • Kunoh with war axe only he can see the pictographic tale of his people's first trials and forming
  • ancient figure given to Ephut Ki from when only elves worshipped the storm god
  • ancient tear drop stone carving allows wolf to add d6 to AC for one minute between long rests
  • broken Alin (the 'patrons' in the Carkade mythos) containing small piece of warpstone - from the home of the 'first world of thirteen'
  • warp in this case means - has reference to chaos, but more aligned to 'the beyond', the void, the space between space
  • Ruben given a sealed invite from a hidden university to open


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