
Alin Spawn

Emerging from the Alin Polyps grown in the Alin Breeding Reservoir, the extremely long gestation period ensures that Alin Spawn are born ready to serve the greater Alin race in whatever capacity necessary.   Born with unshakeable belief in Alin superiority and that anything not Alin exists only to serve the Alin, Alin Spawn are fully aware and ready from the moment they emerge.   All Alin retain the abilities they had as Alin Spawn while growing in strength, whatever their path.
ability score increase: Intelligence +4, Charisma +2, Strength -2
alignment: Any evil
Size: Medium
speed: 30" (Swim 20")
Languages: Alin
race features:
  • Alin start with 4d8 HD
  • Intelligence saving throws and skill checks are made with advantage
  • Telepathy 60"
  • Skills. Arcana, investigation and religion
  • Identify species. If an Alin spends 1 minute observing a creature it can learn the creature type and either one vulnerability, resistance or immunity of the creature.
  • Resistance psychic damage

    Innate psychic power (DC Intelligence based + PP)
  • Mage Hand (3x SR)
  • Mind Sliver (3x SR)
  • Prestigiditation (2x SR)
  • Dancing Lights (1x SR)
  • Shape Water (1x SR)
  • Mold Earth (1x SR)
  • Primal Savagery (1x LR)
  • Charm Person (1x LR)
Alin spawn are born:
  • Long limbed
  • Transparent
  • Unnaturally lean


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