
  • A powerful elder being, the Carkade elite made pacts with Ammutseba as their empire collapsed around them. While the rest of their race, lands, cities and culture were immolated, the elite and important servants were saved from oblivion by being granted immortality - being turned into undead, mummys of Carkade.
  • They now await a summons from Ammutseba to step into the present day.
  • A cult has sprung up in worship of the Mysteries of Ammutseba
  • Ammutseba is heavily linked to death and sacrifice
  • Warred with the Horned God and other Elder Beings in the distant past
  • Cultists believe that Ammutseba wanders the darkness of the void and its return is imminent
  • Ammutseba seeks to be the master of death, dreams of nothing but death and to be its eternal ruler, feared and revered by all
  • Like the Horned God, Ammutseba was trapped within the void during the last discontinuance event brought on by the end of the Alin-Carkade wars
  • Ammutseba has died many times over; is an undead elder god of immense power that fears but simultaneously seeks to embrace oblivion - if it is the last creature through the gates
  • Lusts for death and to die again and again, only to be reawakened deeper in the spiral of non-existence; ‘un-alive’ but existent
  • Ammutseba is the master of necromantic magic in the multiverse, not even the Gods of Death at their strongest wield more necromantic might


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