Apocalypse Class Weapon - Dissipator

Benefits once attuned:
  1. AC increases by 4 (but not above 28)
  2. Spell Resistance
  3. No damage if half damage on successful save
  4. Resistant to all energy damage types
  5. Immune to 1 energy damage types
  6. Counterspell as reaction (x3 between short rests)
  Hindrances once attuned:
  1. Not revealed
  2. Not revealed
  3. Not revealed
  4. Not revealed
  5. Not revealed
  6. Every time counterspell is activated, DC 11 intelligence savings throw required or be controlled by the spirit of a Dark Eldar.  Save difficulty increases by 2 with each use, reset after a long rest

True appearance of the Dissipator
Item type
Unique Artifact


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