Apocalypse Class Weapon - Hypernova Machine

Apocalypse class weapon   The Hypernova machine was designed by, but never completely built by the Moranth.   To be activated it requires a minimum of 3x beings capable of casting 9th+ level spells who each expel a spell slot of 9th+ level.  No other actions can be taken while attached to the Machine.    When activated this artefact immediately merges everything in 300' with the Void.  All obejcts and creatures are impacted by full immersion in the Void, and will continue to be impacted until such time they can exit the Void or are fully eradicated.  The activators are protected from the effects of the Void, though they and the Hypernova Machone are trapped in the Void also.     At the start of the activation all casters determine initiative but placed in reverse order (highest goes last).   A 9th+ level spell slot (or price paid in lieu - see below) is required each round to maintain the Hypernova Machine. This choice is not necessarily optional for an activator.  Each round after the first:   
  • Activator with lowest initiative must make a DC 25 Intelligence savings throw (DC increases by 1 each round).  
  • On a success the activator can either disengage from the Hypernova Machine or continue to be engaged.  If remaining engaged the activator can elect whether or not to expel a 9th level spell slot
  • On a failure the activator takes a level of exhaustion and must expel a spell slot of 9th+ level and remains engaged with the Machine for an additional round.  If the activator does not have a 9th level spell to expel when required, the activator immediately gains one extra level of exhaustion.
  • Once a 9th level spell or level of exhaustion in lieu of a 9th level spell is expended the round ends, and all activators who have not yet rolled a savings throw remain engaged, and move to the top of the round again
  • On each subsequent occassion for the group that a 9th+ level spell cannot be expended and is paid as exhaustion in lieu instead, the level of exhaustion gained increases by one
  • Each additional round the Machine remains activated an additional volume of the same area (100,000,000 cubic feet) is created in a direction chosen by the activator who expelled the 9th+ level spell caster.
  • If a full round goes by and no 9th+ level spell slot is expelled, the Hypernova Machine collapses and the effect ends with all activators now trapped in the Void and immediately impacted by full immersion in the Void
  • The Void merger remains in effect for one minute for each round the Hypernova Machine remained activated.  At the end of each minute a random portion generated by the Hypernova Machine (equivalent to 100,000,000 cubic feet) collapses
Each area that was formerly enclosed by the Void is subsequently impacted as follows for a period of 10 years for each minute enclosed by the Void:  
  • No plants will grow in the area
  • To cast spells, a caster msut make a savings throw of DC 8 + spell level against the saving throw type they use (e.g. intelligence for wizards, charisma for warlocks)
  • Creatures entering the area immediately gain a level of exhaustion.  Each hour they stay in the area they automatically gain an additional level of exhaustion
  • Creatures entering the area immediately lose 2 from their highest physical stat and 2 from their highest mental stat. Each hour they stay in the area they automatically lose 2 from the next highest physical & mental stats + 1 from the stat they have already had reduced, then the following hour 2 reduced from the 2 remaining stats and 1 reduced from the stats already lost.  Each hour each stat then reuces by 1.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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