

Large elder construct, unaligned
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 252 (24d10+120)
Speed: 40 ft , fly: 40 ft , climb: 30 ft


23 +6


9 -1


21 +5


6 -2


9 -1


20 +5

Saving Throws: Strength +10, Constitution +9
  • Athletics +11
  • Perception +4
  • Intimidation +11
Damage Vulnerabilities: Thunder
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage; Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Blindsight 30"
  • Darkvision 90"
Languages: Elder Thing, Old One Speech

At will:
  • Psychic Blast; 180" one target +10 attack deal 3d6 psychic damage + save DC18 charisma and reduce initiative spot by 4
  • Mage Hand
  • Dancing Lights
  • Minor Illusion
  • True Strike

  • Enemies Abound

  • Magic Resistance (advantage on saving throws vs magic/psionic attacks).
Bonus Actions:
  • Uses its intimidation skill against 1 target it can see within 120";
  • Phase (recharge 5-6 until the end of its next turn, the Ashaniguliti is out of phase with the surrounding existence. While phased it is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, poison and psychic damage and resistant to all other damage types (except thunder which deals normal damage). An Ashaniguliti can move through objects while phased, will take d12 force damage if it ends its turn inside a a physical object and can only make one force wave attack for half damage and with saving throws made with advantage;
  • Debris; A telekinetic inspired tornado swirls debris around the Ashaniguliti until the start of its next turn in a 30" radius sphere. The area is heavily obscured and movement through it count s as difficult terrain.



  • Force wave (recharge 6). Starting at a point of up to 60" from the Ashaniguliti, an eruption of force erupts in a line 10"x60" dealing 10d12+5 force damage + knock the target backwards 5" and prone; dexterity savings throw DC18 for half damage and ignoring prone effect;
  • Telekinesis (recharge 6). One target within 120" strength savings throw DC18 or is moved up to 60" and optionally restrained until the end of the target's next turn;
  • 2x Force Jabs; range 20" +10 2d12+5 force damage; or
  • 2x Smash; range 10" +11 3d10+6 magical bluedgeoning damage and strength savings throw DC19 or be knocked prone or back 15" (Ashaniguliti choice).


  • Vicious Mockery; if a creature deals damage to an Ashaniguliti within 60", that creature makes a wisdom savings throw DC 18 or takes 3d4 psychic damage (minimum damage on a saved throw).

An Ashaniguliti resembles a large marionette constructed from mismatched materials. Every Ashaniguliti is unique in design and construction, but all faithfully serve their Titan creators.


Elder Construct


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