
  • Atala's parents were members of the Order, and their membership led to their murder when she was 5 years old, when her family estate was attacked and razed.
  • With her mothers help, she was able to escape and spent the next 5 years living on the streets with a gang of street children, surviving on her wits and agility, until she was recognised by a member of the Order.
  • Initiated into the Order, she spent the next 7 years training with them, first at their academy followed by time spent as a travelling apprentice. She excelled during her training, finishing her apprenticeship early.
  • As a journeyman, she spent two years as a member of one of the Order’s Shades - infiltration teams who were called upon when action was deemed necessary by the Order, but direct action (or at least, as direct as the Order was willing to be) was not a possibility.
  • In recognition of her performance, two months before meeting the rest of the party, she was recognised as a Member of the Order. She now travels as a Free Shadow, reporting back to the Order on a regular basis, waiting to be summoned into action.
  • During a period of research, she crossed paths with Professor Ruben and struck up an acquaintance when they compared notes on a number of arcane matters.

Aligned Organization


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