
The true and original Atlantis is the ultimate symbol of magic
  • "This vanished land is lost beneath the waves of wet, nebulous stories and myths that break upon the shores of our minds. Atlantis is the shadowland, the birthplace of civilization. Pure magic that is forever elusive to us "
  • Hecate exists in a deep stupor at the centre of Atlantis, only occasionally does some errant manifestation emerge to interact with the universe more broadly.
  • Atlantis may be either a prison for her, or her protection against others.
The Great Tragedy:
  • Atlantis was destroyed after an age long war led by Great Old Ones seeking to draw off Hecate’s power for themselves
  • An allegiance of Great Old Ones assembled a large force of Titans and other monstrosities to assail Atlantis. Defenders used uber-level spells, Apocalypse-class artifacts and ultimately a doomsday device to fight the assault.
  • Beings caught in the original detonation of the doomsday device, if not destroyed are trapped forever, anchored to the Spaces and cast across the Places
  • The stronger, more aware know their fate, some seek to escape it, reaching out desperately to the world beyond to summon and call followers to find means of a way to escape
  • Atlantis's greatest potency was lost due. Its boundaries loosened further, became more tangled & confused and randomly appear & disappear
  • Concurrence is real and time merges, multiple time streams become entangled, moments are relived repeatedly, variations on a theme can play out forever
  • Existence was so magnificently damaged that the closer a being nears the core of Atlantis, the closer time streams are likely to cross and merge and repeat eternally
Known in-game connections to Atlantis:
  • When crossing the dark highway with Helm, Essen was shown and offered the original Atlantis. The quanti recreated it from the blueprint. Essen felt the pulse and draw of an immensely powerful force within its heart but denied the lure. She believed that Atlantis is no longer real. Towering above her was a glimpsed Aves Reva, maybe recreated by the Spaces, but maybe not.
  • The Moranth were seen in the Otherwhere by the BMG when Helm Darkport was leading them through the dark highways in the vicinity of Atlantis, as glimpsed by Essen.
  • In the Otherwhere city of Zanji, the professor accessed a Moranth sphere that housed his workshop in Deep Port, a taxidermic Illithid who spoke psychically to the Professor named Sless (Sless, unbeknownst to the Professor was the name of the Ulitharid who fought the BMG near Wolves Reach) and the presence identifying itself as Valt
  • "Valt loves all who serves. Valt loves the Professor. Valt and the professor are one. Valt is the Professor." On the Skyworlds in a darkened chamber in amage of Valt said this to Gundark while a gargantuan Shaggoth moved above him.
  • At Hecate’s Advent the BMG saw visions from hundreds of thousands of years ago that included Eldar Elves running in terror from an unseen force approaching from above and incredibly tall doors covered in dozens of moving sigils. The doors in front of them are the same doors they saw in the past, realise the doors were from the last Atlantis and are now used to guard access to interior. Inside they find a magnificent hall also from the original Atlantis.
  • Hecate’s Advent contained the former throne room of the ancient Eldar who had contact with the original Atlantis millions of years ago. The Chamber and the main door to the chamber were all from the original Atlantis before the Eldar managed to manipulate the chamber into the world. The Ruby Chamber was used as a sacred place for the Eldar to commune directly with Hecate, whose image hung from the ceiling, changing as she responded to the world
  • The Leopard Orchids took their name from the specially bred orchids they stole from the broken court of the fallen Sapphire Empire of Ioyana Semudan centuries ago, during the First Time of Chaos (1,000 years ago). They were vagrants living on the fringes, in a deep forgotten grotto at the city’s edge that was in fact the remains of an observatory from when Atlantis was in full bloom. When the children fell through the fissure into the Atlantean observatory, they were being pursued by the henchmen of a wizard who wanted the last leopard orchids for himself. Nandi, leader of the Leopard Orchids did not know the true location of Atlantis
  • In the presence of Tavore Stone, who was radiating with Lifelight, Ruben saw the first symbol of the first Atlantis in the light
  • Three elves, two women, one man asked the BMG in the remnant Elven Forest. “Are you here to look for the owner of the Sapphire Crown”. (worn by the last Eldar to rule Atlantis). The crown was inherited by the Liadon elves, later the western Liodan.
  • After the rise of the Devil-cult, the disinheritence of the crown's heir and the fall of western Liadon, the next in line to wear the Sapphire Crown is Heian. The Sapphire Crown will give the proper mortal heir (when wearing it) instant access to Atlantis and many of its mysteries and secrets.
  • Emtariath offered the true location of Atlantis to the BMG in sight of Hecate's Advent
The Phnatom Octoped guardian:
"At first this expansion is gradual, but it heralds the demise of all things.
The Nothing is bracing to enter its giant phase, an episode of deadly, rapid expansion.
You watch the Nothing devour all colour, rapidly expanding.
In awe the last star is engulfed, but maybe you will be spared.
But as the Nothing closes in, in that final terrible hour, the Holocene spirals into the Nothing.
Here at the end of all things the sky is filled not with a bang, but the suffocation of existence, extinction within the true void.
Only the when is special, not the where."

  Experienced by the BMG inside of the Great Atlantis Boundary:
  • multiple timelines exists and occasionally cross over, shifting the BMG across different time periods and locations within Atlantis as Moranth sirens wail.
  • Suprrur, a green "dwarf gas planet" created by long deceased and forgotten inhabitants of Atlantis as an outpost on the prime plane to find Atlantis
  • A Goreo master (race of giants, progenitors of modern Hill Giants) instructing students beneath a covered shrine, the edge of a silvery sea lapping at the temples steps “Are you paying attention?”
  • A rough oceanic entry, seafloor littered in giant bones and decayed shipwrecks overseen by a massive phantom octopod
  • A stately classical courtyard beneath a pure black sky is guarded by Ogre Wedge Soldiers outfitted in Sarpadian armour and weapons
  • A steeply pointed mountain made of basalt on the horizon, in the foreground small shrines with holographic beings of a past time moving inside
  • Hallways made of ancient timber and lined with tired rugs; powerful undead entities passing through
  • Vast empty spaces with ropes of spun silk crisscrossing them, while a shaggoth waits and watches
  • Obloid earthen constructs with bottomless chasms between them, lined up in all directions. cliffside trails dug into the sides, other timelines crisscross turning the obloids into a sparkling big marketplace full of magic and terror
  • Serpentine designed chambers on the inner surface of massive orbs of more than 300" across linked together. orange, blue, yellow, and red crystal tiles moving continuously in dizzying patterns on the wall, distant sounds of terror
  • Moranth from another timeline, appearing as holograms tend a silvery and green tree with branches that span more than a mile in all directions, the trunk more than 150" across
  • An Eldar ritual held in the ruins of a mountain open air marble formed temple. When completed the Eldar summoned seven Great Old Ones to Atlantis to 'burn it all down'. The sky was torn asunder, and the invasion began.
  • Beneath a sky made of a hundred ribbons dozens of miles in length, a broken maul with a haft of over 200" lay against the inside wall of a fortress with exceptionally tall stone walls. Unseen defenders desperately hold off an attack led by Ashanigiliti. The walls pushed inwards, compressing the defending area into a smaller and smaller square bailey.
  • In a deep cavern cluttered with discarded contents of countless fortresses Eldar and Star Spawn slightly out of alignment with time pursued by a 30-foot Chitinous Horror
  • A sealed antechamber painted blue & green
  • Leviathans and other monstrosities trying to break through the palace door into the Ruby Chamber now in Hecate’s Advent on Holocene .
  • Free floating chiselled stone plazas surrounded by canals floating through space. No observable barriers to contain the water, the water flows as rivers in all directions
  • Rune covered orb covered in Moranth script was revealed layer by layer to expose a full 4-D atlas of Atlantis that could adjust for and predict the flow of time. It was designed by t e Suprurr and gifted from Sorne to the people of Goreo
  • Loa, interceding for Architeuthis offered Essen three choices when they were trapped and offered through visions three choices:
1. A 300-foot steep & deep amphitheatre with the centre stage surrounded by water. Something white in the water.
2. A circular field surrounded by trees possessing 50-foot-wide trunks and branches extending out over 300 feet from the centre.
3. Barren seeming rolling hills, that appears lifeless to all but Druids. Beneath a washed out sky several copses of 80-foot tall Cigaleria trees stare back.
  • A lacuna sheltering the Elder Day Sorne who claimed the engineered and built the first Atlantis. Were able to commune with the Elder Gods

In Literature

Some Elven legends and practices reference the "keeper of the Sapphire Crown".  In particularly the Liodan Elves practiced sacred rituals referencing the heir to the Sapphire Crown which heavily hinted as being tied to Atlantis, and that the heir would be from among their ranks.


Atlantis as glimpsed by Gimblenock 

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