Aves Reva's Celestial Relics

  • Siren - a divine metal horn crafted by one of the Major Arcana that served Aves Reva that can be used as part of a summoning ritual.  Location now unknown.
  • Lynx likeness - a divinely created granite head of a the Lynx that can be used as part of a divination ritual.  Location now unknown
  • Nightmare Mask - a divinely crafted black-white mask that allows its wearer to become a “container” for the Major Arcana as part of a summoning ritual.  Location now unknown
  • Pinwheel - a divinely crafted ethereal pinwheel that allows the user to channel power directly from the major arcana.  Location now uknown
  • Blue Pearl - allows the possessor to enter the presence of Aves Reva following the correct ritual then vanishes back into the quanti until it reforms at another time (could be past or present). This is the 12th iteration and location now uknown
  • Blue Chalk - through ritual and communion allow the user to access elder magic in spheres of nightmare, darkness, manipulation and imagination.  Now in the posession of Helm Darkport 


  • Fought over and lost countless times, the Celestial Relics of Aves Reva provide access to a portion of the Elder God's power
  • Zolim Tira Athamon, dreamwalker of Stone Giant clan Athamon wandered the "dreamworld" (the above ground) looking for celestial relics and other objects connected to the "Lost God" Aves Reva
  • Duergar, who desire the return of the Elder Gods, abducted Zolim Tira to obtain the items affixed to the dreamwalker for themselves
Item type
  • All the Celestial Relics of the Elder Gods are unique.


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