Bail Kenzee, Captain

  • Originally from the Kingdom of Jorentes, Captain Bail Kenzee is a former captain of the Eventide Shield and former favourite of the Autocrat Maro Kush Nefor in the Treonol Autocracy before court politics saw Bail’s opponents threaten his position.
  • Bail ferquently "clashed" with the Grand Merchant's of Treonol as he sought to position himself closer to the Autocrat, increasing his influence at the expense of the Grand Merchants and even the small treonol army. This caused rifts in the Eventide Shield also, especially as his interests moved further from the mercanry chapterhouse he hed and more & more pursued his own interests.
  • Moments before his enemies acted to depose him, the Captain was rewarded for services to the Autocrat and effectively sent into exile.
  • With him in exile were 8 bodyguards, his champion, his High Steward, 10 skilled artisans/tradespeople and 200 slaves. He set up a fortified manor at the edge of the Erensari in the Chalk Tablelands east of the monstrous Rakis Rift. In the years since his leaving the Eventide Shield he has formed a new mercenary group (the Skaedguard) and trained a small force totally under his control.
  • At first interested, now he is obsessed by unravelling arcane secrets and in particular the other planes.
  • The Skaedguard now control an area of the Chalk Tablelands and its equivalent space in the Feywild.
  • He is always accompanied by 4 personal bodyguard and except when in his personal chambers at least 1 of his 3 chiefs.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Skaedguard
Captain of the Treonol Eventide Shield chapterhouse (former)
Kingdom of Jorentes
Current Residence
Blinking Manor, Chalklands
Aligned Organization


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