Carkade-Alin alliance rise and fall

  • Alin was a world spanning empire seeking the means to arrest their decline
  • 12 worlds were suitable for their breeding reservoirs
  • The newly emergent Carkade contacted the Alin Patrons
  • Specialists in death, the Carkade allied themselves to the Alin Patrons, beings who could transform reality as it were a deck of cards
  • Alin Patrons and other Alin sects commence their final 1,000 year long civil war
  • Loxodon emerge leading the resistance to the Alin usurpation
  • Whole worlds are devastated by biological catastrophes, out of control necromantic forces unleashed by the Carkade, warring Elderday beings and emergence of White Wasp mega-swarms
  • Carkade-Patron alliance losing the war, make dark pacts with Elderday beings such as the Great Old Ones
  • Carkade-Patron alliance now the leading Alin faction
  • Catar Dolg revolt against the Carkade, threatening the rear-guard of the Carkade-Patron alliance
  • With most escape routes cut off except for the one to the 13th world, the Dolg Catar cut-off the one remaining wormhole fighting a 2 fronted war against the pressing Alin on one side and the Carkade on the other
  • The 12 Alin worlds are trapped in their own plane within the Void, trapping the last of the Alin alongside cosmic horrors, undead legions, raging curses, ocean sized ribbons of unstable Spaces and White Wasp swarms who hadn’t been called back to the Spaces prior to the end of the discontinuance
  • The remaining Carkade complete a dark pact with Ammutseba and flee into the Time Void, on the condition that they will recall Ammutseba when they re-emerge
  • Dolg Catar population was reduced from 10,000,000 to fewer than 1,000 and were scattered across the face of Holocene

Carkade warrior in the dying days of Empire

Mummified Alin skull

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