Chapterhouse 1473.04 to 1473.06

Everyone returned to the Autocrat's Citadel in Treonol for some much deserved recuperation.   The noble and much under-appreciated Professor Rubens, seeing the deep despair of his comrade Kunoh spent time researching the location of famed and magical great axes that are in the possession of unsavory types who are possibly "not worthy of maintaining them in their possession". This is what he found:  
  • The Eventide Shield are a mercenary group with several chapter houses across the western continent. They have a fearsome reputation, always fulfill their contract and always sell to the highest bidder.
  • They have sold their services to the Helegu among others
  • 20 years ago one chapter was employed by the Roaring Host to destroy a rebellious general who had taken up refuge in an abandoned fortress at the fringes of the Brass Desert near the Paracer Ascension.
  • For destroying the rebel general, his army and his followers Captain Bail Kenzee were allowed a share of the loot which included a +1 great axe that was formerly in possession of the general’s Jinserric* personal champion.
  • Captain Bail’s chapter spent a further 10 years in the pay of the Roaring Host finishing up in Treonol selling their services to the Autocrat. They were heavily involved in massacre at Phobos**, the Gestahl bloodbath*** and Jeshi Widom**** execution.
  • They have small chapter house, on a fortified hill 10 miles outside the Citadel of the Autocrat.
  • 5 years ago after the Jeshi Widon execution, the Captain retired somewhere to the south of Trenol near the western edge of the Erensari in the Chalk Tablelands; which is on the northwestern edge of the inland freshwater ‘the Keshin Sea’. The Rakis Rift on the western side of the Chalk Tablelands is a huge natural barrier hundreds of miles long, routinely 10 miles wide and many miles deep in places.
  Heain (using skills only a hot blonde elf with noble connections could use), Ophion and Ephut Ki decided to approach the Eventide Shield fortress and see what opportunities existed for a brave band of sell swords such as ourselves - it was decided not to pinch the Great Axe and become an enemy of a powerful mercenary guild   A few things came out of that:
  • Bail did not retire but was booted from the Eventide Shield 5 years back and took with him the Great Axe (nick-named the ‘woodcutter’), which he wielded along with a shining greatsword, a personal retinue of guards, his best friend and personal champion Drake Olgad, his lifelong household steward Eekeb Vandorack and an entire household worth of slaves & servants awarded him by the Autocrat.
  • Current commander of Treonol Chapter-house is Captain Rin Darkfighter
  • Current high steward of Treonol Chapter-house is Cos Andromias, who is also a High Priest of Bhaal and in the commanders hall didn't mind others seeing his godly allegiance
Late the next afternoon Heain waited in an area of the Citadel as instructed by the Eventide Guard when he was approached by a figure whose head was entirely concealed beneath a sandy coloured wrapped around scarf, who otherwise wore head to toe (no skin revealed) cloak, tunic, soft shoes of a desert traveler who gave you the job you wanted:
  • 5000gp given just for taking it on
  • Recover a theft - Eekeb Vandarack took a sacred Ascension Rites from the collective treasury of the Eventide Shield before he left with Captain Bail. His theft was only discovered recently
  • 5000gp for successful return
  • Kill Eekeb Vandarack and return with proof positive
  • A further 5000gp if successful
Eekeb is of dragon blood and is a warlock in service to the Unseelie Lady Nakiasha Wysayra keeper of Angelfire The party accepted as tracking down a stranger who stole from the High Priest of Bhaal and killing him sounded like fun   Professor Rubens tried to contact the thieves guild in the Field of Lost Gods beyond the Citadel. One night he was convinced a shadowy figure darker than night but glittering with golden claws at the end of 6 arms tried to tempt him with a few tidbits:  
  • the exact location of the original city of Atlantis - the original - not any of the cities that followed who took the name - but the real one, a symbol of mystery and magic for all of the latterday races
  • the exact location of the legendary (read legendary now being real and actually existant at some point in the timeline of the universe; now, then, future) Library of Leng - home to every tome, book, scroll, parchment ever written
  • The ability to "take 20" once between short rests for any skill roll (and after it has been rolled)
He said no - remembering what had happened to Kunoh who said yes to a similar offer, although he is now dreaming of soaring spires made of crystal capped in diamonds, countless massive circular rooms made with amber, gold and marble lined with books of every description linked by equally countless number of equally beautiful covered walkways spanning high in the sky above deserts, passing through but unaffected by the deepest depths of the darkest oceans and mundane but well presented courtyards on the sides of steep cliffs.   Ah poor Professor Rubens, will he ever win?   The next night the Bruja appeared to him and said she spoke on behalf of those the Professor wanted to contact and that he had their blessing to trade as normal within the Citadel.   Before heading back east and descending into the Erensari, equipment was purchased including some fine weaponry from master-smiths of Clan Eshin.   One night the descent to the Erensari plains involved a stayover in a one of the many ruins, this time an old watch tower from the time of Argos .   Kunoh, yes again our favourite conflicted barbarian, woke up to find himself alone in a dark place with one source of brilliant white light nearby he could not stand to look at   A figure wrapped in shadow that trailed behind him and was barely recognisable as human (his skin was silver grey and his face indecipherable) approached:   “What new place is this?”
“Forgive my compulsion. No. Not forgiveness. Suffer my compulsion.”
“Welcome to this flawed space of imagination cut from sundered Argeantweald and wrapped in darkest Shadowfel”
“The fucking Shar! What they did to me!”
“I do this to you. I can do just as bloody to the queens”

  An unfair fight interspersed his rantings with the barbarian lasting but 3 rounds
*Jinserric are a northern tribal people
**Thousands of combatants and noncombatants deemed to be enemies of the Autocracy hunted down and ‘defeated’ by the Autocrat
***The annihilation of a united Jayak army (the Jayak were the tribal people who were part-integrated part-at war with the Treonol who warned you about the Tiefling’s curse)
****Well-known ‘hero’ of the Autocracy who became a people’s champion when he was seen to be politically taking on the ruthless Grand Merchant Ruslan of House Mederen; executed at the order of the Autocrat after being declared enemy of the state and a massive manhunt

Game sessions:
  • January 2017


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