Dark Heart of the Night

Dark pulsating artefact accessed through sacred Stone Groves in Treonol.   The Dark Heart of the Night is a physical naturally formed artefact that has reappeared and is has mentally bonded with the Crag but has not allowed to him to fully attune. It is ancient and wild and nasty and revels in the battle of fang and claw and blood and violent survival. It is part in this world and part in the Feywild and will phase in and out of existence according to its own dark nature.   The Dark Heart has a dark intelligent cunning, it is a thing of brutality and by bonding with it the Crag possesses many of his powers.   It appears within a large double ring of standing stones “sacred stone grove” in a wild and hilly area that was once surrounded by many villages until they were destroyed by the Helegu.   The Dark Heart connects through the Feywild to the hidden Wyrding, which is from where it contains its power.   Its appearance is that of a floating dark womb, where some dark, coiled serpentine thing rattles its scales and threatens death. It is entirely transparent and floats amid a glow of dark violet light that automatically reveals the unseen within 30”. Its other powers:
  • 20 charges - recharge 2d8 each sunset
  • Allows the right of the beast at certain times (e.g. full moons & new moons at midnight when the wanderers are in the correct pattern - 15 charges
  • Create disease 3x (from sunset to sunset) - 1 charge
  • Create major disease 1x recharge 5-6 on d6 (from sunset to sunset) - 3 charges
  • Cast 1 2nd level spell (minor benefit) recharge 5-6 on d6
  • Counterspell - 1 charge
  • Minor Loa Warrior Spirit - 8 charges = +2AC (natural), +25hp, +5 damage type by melee weapon, spell resistance - Lao Warrior Spirit melds with attuned
  • Lesser Loa Warrior Spirit - 15 charges = +3AC (natural) +35hp, +8 damage type by melee weapon, PSB damage reduced by 3; spell resistance, reaction add d4 to AC
  • Grant resistance to radiance (minor benefit)
  • Weapon gains d6 of damage type (major benefit)
  • Animals within 30” are hostile (minor detriment)
  • Appearance changes (minor detriment)
  • Dilutes potions within 10” making them non-magical (major detriment)
The Dark Heart of the Night was created from of one of Yurlunggur’s Avatars who is in a perpetual state of Torpor. Its ability to transcend planes and exist in multiple states at once allows the Wyrding and Feywild to be channelled through to the world. The Dark Heart is over 100,000 years old and was created by ancestors to the Teyrin. They were brutal elves who believed in the power of the natural and spiritual world around them. They contended with gods and powerful elder beings to claim dominion over their world.   The Dark Heart was created after massive catastrophe swept Hadean after a series of ice dams failed at the end of an ancient ice age that last tens of thousands of years.

Item type


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