Discontinuance Events

  • A discontinuance occurs when parts of a plane that were previously connected to another part of a plane are no longer connected; or when different planes become no longer connected. Discontinuance events come in both major and minor forms and cause disruptions to the planes of existence.
  • When an event occurs, the following may happen to the broken plane/world:
                1. travel to and from is extremely difficult (best case scenario) or totally impossible
                2. it is set adrift in the void between planes
                3. it merges with another plane/world
                4. it ceases to exist
  • Discontinuances are the reason planeshift often only works to a limited number of worlds in the prime plane, limiting worlds to ‘local clusters’.
  • Realignment of the stars can add or subtract new worlds into and out of a local cluster.
  • This realignment of the stars is known as the ‘Star Dragon Ascendant’ by some cultures due to shifting positions of the tars in the sky.
  • There have been a series of discontinuance events over the vast life of the multiverse. They have had many causes, some natural and some not.
  • The Star Dragon ascending always causes major discontinuances
Echo Planes
  • The Echo Planes are particularly brittle and vulnerable being the dreams of their worlds:
  • Over millions of years discontinuances cracked and smashed the Feywild into so many fragments that it's now impossible to travel via it to any other world and each Feywild is significantly smaller than the worlds they echo
  • Many worlds no longer even connect to their Echoes
History of Discontinuance Events   Record of Events:
  • 500 years ago (Minor event associated with the disjunction of the Witch Queens and fall of Sarpadian Empire
  • 6000 years ago (Major event associated with the Carkade and Alin War

Metaphysical, Arcane

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