Drake Olgad

  • Drake Olgad is the personal champion and bodyguard of the Skaedguard's Captain Bail Kenzee.
  • He was apprenticed to Bail during Bail’s ascension through the upper ranks of the Eventide Shield and became a close personal companion of Bail during Bail's 5 years tenure as Captain.  In that time, he progressed from a fierce but green brawler to a formidable warrior of great prowess.
  • Drake and the previous Skaedguard master of arms encountered powerful Feywild inhabitants that killed the master of arms and left Drake weakened and near dead for months.  He has now fully recovered and is seeking all of his possessions lost when the Skaedguard Feywild was briefly in the control of demonic forces.  This includes his battle shawl, that is now in the posession of Atala.
  • He is often accompanied by the Red Moranth ‘Torn’.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Sword of the Skaedguard
Helegu orphan, raised in Kingdom of Leng
Current Residence
Blinking Manor, Chalklands
Aligned Organization


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