
Eldar are an ancient race of elves, known to have inhabited Atlantis. They were ruled by the Sapphire King / Queen.   Their relationship, connection to, and interaction with other ancient races of elves such as the Caridern, Nagia, Moredhel and Eladrin is unknown.   Primarily known as dwelling in Atlantis, the Eldar were known to be almost unparalelled practioners of the arcane arts and among the most deadly duellists ever known. The BMG encountered different Eldar in Atlantis, though the majority were phased out of time.   Eldar were roughly human height, on average, but were leaner and harder with skin described in different shades of ivory, from almost white to the deepest burnished tan.   The lifespan and social structure of the Eldar has been lost to history, as has their final fate. What happened to the Eldar after the final fall of Atlantis, nearly 250,000 years ago is unknown.


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