Elekandri Semushina, Grand Matron

Grand Matron Elakandri Semushina

  • Matron Elekandri Semushina is a beloved, high level fighter who rules of the Singidi Circle.
  • In the city of Maa she resides in the tallest and mightiest of the Spur Towers and is always on the back of a fully armoured war-rhino when seen in public.
  • A Silver Dragon, who is connected by familial ties to the Semushina Tribe had agreed to attend on the day of the ceremony celebrating the defeat of the Helegu hordes when the SRG were in Maa
  • Foregoing her usual war rhino, the Grand Matron was atop the Silver Dragon when an attempt was made on her life by Duergar wielding warp stones (harnessing phantom eneregy) loaded crossbows, concealed under illusion - warp stone harnesses phantom energy
  • The SRG helped thwart the assassination attempt and were rewarded with a blessing from the Grand Matron

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark coffee coloured


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