Emerald's Blaze

  • Practitioners of the mysteries of “zaka” (old practices summoning Loa, revering ancestors, placating and using world spirits)
  • Following in the “true” footsteps of the Sorcerer King
  • Inner circle members are known as “the cherished”
  • The Houngan are those that are ridden by the Loa
  • The Sorcerer King was originally a revered title in old Semudan and was responsible for:
  •       • Bridging this world to all others
          • Defender of the followers of “zaka”
          • For being the Magical leader and advisor to followers of “zaka”
  • The Sorcerer King of Sosso usurped the original “zaka” solely for his own power, in the process destroying them entirely
  • Emerald’s Blaze was formed only within the past 100 years and serves the original concept of the Sorcerer King as protector and defender of zaka, which they equate to the concept of Semudan
  • The Ink of Architeuthis is a cherished prize they’ve been seeking for decades to communicate directly with one of the Elder Gods
  • Called the palanquin Convocation after the Ink was delivered to them from Admiral Udo via the SRG
  • Emerlad's Blaze are led by Papa Caprice and Mama Salome, with Mama Salome representing them at the Palanquin  Convocation
  • The most powerful of their arcanists is known as Emerla'd Guardian
  • Prince Yaba and Princess Zahra of the Noble House of Coro are members of Emerald’s Blaze
  • Emeralds Blaze were described by the Starless Communion as "Noisy green songbirds flying in a sky full of predators"

Emerald's Guardian    

Coro's Court
Secret, Brotherhood


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