Eshen Clan

  • A powerful wererat great clan spread out across the continent of Hadean.
  • Each location operates as its own distinct Clan. No matter where they dwell and which Chief serve, all Eshen recognise themselves as being part of the Great Clan.
  • The Eshen in Gramidern operated as one of the many arms of the Thieves Guild. As thieves they did not reveal themselves as Wererats, but rumours of dark rites, shadowy protectors and cannibalism did follow them. They also had humans within their group as part of their thieving, extortion, and assassin activities – and also as guards, informants and spies.
  • In Garopela they are ostensibly the weapons and armour builders whose quality of work is extremely highly prized. It is known that the Semudan Imperial family commissions Eshen to produce weapons and armour for them.
  • The Wererats revere the Horned God and practice rites calling on the favours of the Elder God in secret.
  • The best known of these rites are the Time of Sacrifice and the Time of Hunger and Sacrifice.
  • On the last night of first new moon after the autumn equinox and on the last night of the last new moon before the spring equinox is the Time of Sacrifice. At the Time of Sacrifice a living creature/s (preferably a sentient creature) is sacrificed – totally 13 in each year - starting with 1 autumn/12 spring, 2 autumn/11 spring etc. until it starts over again.
  • On every 13th cycle it is possible for a Time of Hunger and Sacrifice is announced by a Grey Seer. If announced over a 13 day period culminating on the last night of the new moon a series of sacrifices occur at the deepest night hour – 1 on night 1, 2 in night 2 etc. culminating in 13 on night 13 (total 91 sacrificed).
  • The BMG interrupted the last Time of Hunger and Sacrifice ritual in Gramidern when they killed their Chief, Grey Seer, the lead Rook and some of the other Eshen Clan. The Engineer and the Lead Rook cut a deal with the BMG and abandoned the city of Gramidern. What happened to the Arkham Keeper and the Arkham Bell is unknown.
  • Months later, the Eshen sent an Erinyes assassin against the BMG who managed to kill Dawn, forcing the BMG to travel backwards in time to rescue her.
  • The SRG paid the Eshen in Garopela to upgarde many of their weapons during their months long stay in the city. Taileriah had pre-commissioned the suit of armour currently worn by Ophion.
Eshen Names
  • Hure, Scaden, Sheek, Shifink, Obscer, Obscikch, Sticin, Shure, Stranglikch, Scetti, Scetto, Sninka, Slure, Neeki
Arkham Bell
  • The most prominent and powerful of the Eshen Clans control the most sacred item to the Eshen - the Arkham Bell.
  • Arkham Bell is an unholy device revered by Eshen that puts them into an deep religious fervour, granting them much greater power, strength and resistance.


  • Each Clan is lead by a Clan Chief.  The different Clans are constantly vying for supremacy with the most prominent Clan controlling the Arkham Bell.
  • Rooks, Engineers, Runners and Grey Seers make up the highest level of the Clan heirarchy.  Each rank has its own shrine that only they may attend.
  • The Clan that controls the Arkham Bell will have the Arkham Keeper and Arkham Defenders in their ranks.  They are seperate to the normal structure of the Clan, however Arkham Keeper's opinion must be heard by the Clan Chief should it be voiced.
  • Rooks are the assassins of the Eshen Clan and their shrine is the image of a Giant Rats skull in Day of the Dead form.  A candle ignites the shrine.
  • Runners are the spies and enforcers of the Eshen Clan and their shrine contains an image of Skeletal Hybrid Wererat dressed in black.  Incense ignites the shrine.
  • Engineers are the weaponsmiths and armourers of the Eshin Clan and their shrine is the image of a Juggernaut made of iron & skulls. An oil burner ignites the shrine.
  • Grey Seers are the arcane and shamanic leaders of the Eshen and their shrine is the image of robed wererat with fiery mantle & horns. Torches ignite the shrine.
  • The Chief's shrine is the image of a darkened and bloodied image of the horned god. Dung is burnt to ignite the shrine.

Eshen Rook

Eshen Grey Seer
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Notable Members


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