
The elves of Hadean believe:
  • The multiverse is more than the 1 billion years since the Elder Gods first emerged from the Spaces
  • In the near eternity that is the existence of the multiverse life was possible for a brief time (compared to the duration of the multiverse).
  • Life became impossible during a near final break down in the Spaces due to the runaway effect of phantom energy (entropy).
  • A final 169 cosmic entities of the first multiverse, who were themselves combined entities consisting of thousands of others folded themselves deep into the remaining quanti. While in this deepest, darkest state of unconsciousness they silently and mechanically worked on the problem of existence when existence had ceased
  • Spontaneously the 169 resolved the problem of existence and a new multivesre was created
  • New Spaces emerged including the 31 Elder Gods (13 each consisiting of 13 final cosmic beings from the original multivers and 18 spontaneously generated by the Spaces) and a new multiverse was created.
  • The 18 new Elder Gods degenerated over hundreds of millions of years and eventually gave rise to the first generation of modern gods.
  • While enough Elder Gods remain aware (7 of 13) the multiverse will continue. This is because existence is assembled upon the framework of the Spaces and the continual emittance of radial energy from the Elder Gods maintains the Spaces. With insufficient radial eneregy the Spaces will unravel and the existence of this multiverse in its current form will be at risk.
  • Only 6 of the Elder Gods have emerged during the recent discontinuance event emerged they see the signs of the unravelling of the multiverse.
  • Only the Witch Queens ever uncovered the secret to steal the divine spark of a slumbering Elder God and ascend (specifically from the now fully somnabulent Hecate}. However Toreja is mainly in the Great Beyond with only 1 of her disjoined forms now firmly entrenched in the Otherwhere, and she has forgotten who she was and is nowehere to found/seen.

This article has no secrets.


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