Extinct Elder Gods

  • The emergent Elder Gods glowed with fierce luminosity, with so much force and energy that they became unstable
  • The Elder Gods clashed with other, burning even brighter
  • Undergoing many transformations and hypernova experiences, many of the Elder Gods ceased existing leaving behind their tachyon husks
  • These husks served 2 functions – evolving into the Great Old Ones and serving as a source of energy to the cosmos and the powerful beings that dwell within
  • The Great Old Ones became both enemy and parasite to the Elder Gods, feasting on their energy
  • Ultimately enough Elder Gods ceased to exist that modern divine sparks were able to exist in the same existence as those possessed by the Elder Gods
  • The remaining 13 Elder Gods, were able to survive their numerous hypernova and transformations to finally achieve their current steady state


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