Flickering Manor

HQ of the Skaedguard
  • borderland with the the Echoes
  • Moranth 3 headed statue sounds alarm when another is about to or is breaching into the real world
  • South wing is contemporaneous with the Feywild
  • Black sandstone building
  • Watch Towers
  • Inner Bailey
  • Outer Bailey
  • Guarded by 3 story barbicans
  • Reinforced outer gates
  • Secondary iron barred gates
  • South wing is contemporaneous with the Feywild
Display Hall
  • Handle of the Maul belonging to the Titan Tethys
  • Zuzazu Armoured Head
  • Sarcophagi of Semudan Nobility
  • Wall piece showing a Criden Warrior
  • Skeleton of a Yurlunggur Avatar
  • Statue of Kali Prince (ebony)
  • Preserved branch of a Mallorn Tree (still glows - but weakly)
  • Armour of a Treonol noble with spear and sword
  • Armour of a Kali noble with shield and scimitar
  • Finial on pole with Golden Host standard
  • Armour and weaponry of Helegu Horse Lord
  • 3 green stained-glass wine glasses from Feywild, antiquities from a now forgotten Arch Fey
  • 2 silver scroll cases from Blue Empire of Benit Semudan
  • Fresco from wall of a Sarpadian Palace
  • Iron Table board and pieces from Illuskan (13 Swedes of Tiger Eye; 14 Muscovites of Malachite)
  • Ceremonial Kopis, Ajanta, Barabudur, Pattah from General Tamachi’s treasury from the Hamasa Citadel
  • Armour and weaponry of Sarpadian Royal Legionnaire
  • Hoplon - rounded, battered and poorly conditioned Atlantean Shield
  • Complete set of Jade Destroyer Armour; still held erect by ‘force’
  • Twin Sets of Barbranid Imperial Guard Armour and Arms
  • Ceremonial robes of Duergar Runecaster from fallen Shanatar Features
  • Broken sword of a Destroyer

The Southwing


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